Customer Information Zone

The Customer Information Zone is a grid that contains information about the current person and account. Pushing the button adjacent to the information transfers you to an appropriate page. The following table lists the type of information that may appear in this zone and the page to which you will be transferred if you push the adjacent button.


Rows are suppressed if the related data is blank for the person / account.


What Is Displayed

Drill Down Transfers You To

Account ID

The account's unique identifier (i.e., account ID) is displayed

An account context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of account-oriented pages)

Main Customer

The main customer's name. Note, the person's name is formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's name format algorithm (PERS-INFO) for an example. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately

A person context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of person-oriented pages)

Set Up Date

The account's setup date

Account - Main

CIS Division

The account's CIS division

Account - Main

Customer Class

The account's customer class

Account - Main

Bill Cycle

The account's bill cycle

Account - Main

Current Credit Rating

The account's current credit rating

Account - C&C

Next Credit Review Date

The next date on which the account's debt will be reviewed by the account debt monitor. Refer to When Is An Account's Debt Monitored for more information.

Account - C&C

A separate row is displayed for each characteristic linked to the account. Each row's label is the characteristic type's description. If the characteristic is future dated, the effective date enclosed in parentheses prefixes the description.

The characteristic's value

Account - Characteristic

Auto Pay Source

The account's auto pay source

Account - Auto Pay

A separate row is displayed for each miscellaneous person linked to the account. Each row's label is the person relationship type's description.

The main name of the miscellaneous person

A person context menu has been provided (allowing you to drill to a variety of person-oriented pages)

Budget Plan

The account's budget plan

Account - Budget

A separate row is displayed for each characteristic linked to the person. Each row's label is the characteristic type's description.

The characteristic's value

Person - Characteristic

A separate row is displayed for each telephone number linked to the person. Each row's label is the phone type's description.

The telephone number

Person - Main

A separate row is displayed for each identifier linked to the person. Each row's label is the ID type's description.

The person identifier value

Note: The system supports encryption for Person Identifier. If your implementation has configured the system to encrypt Person Identifier, the data will be displayed with a masked value; such as, *******.Refer to Encrypting Sensitive Data for more information.

Person - Main

Email Address

The person's email address

Person - Miscellaneous

Service Provider.

The service provider's name and a description of the service provider's billing relationship as of the effective date.

SA Relationship - Main


This zone does not support User Interface Masking. If your implementation masks any of the information that appears on this zone, you must disable it and implement a zone that will mask your data appropriately. The demonstration system provides a sample zone that your implementation can import and then customize if necessary; this zone's code is CI_​CIMAP. To disable the base package zone simply deny access to its associated application service. You should only grant access to your new Customer Information zone.