Lifecycle of a Membership

The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a service credit membership.

The Service Credit Membership lifecycle is comprised of the Pending, Active, and Inactive states. A service credit membership starts in the Pending state. It transitions to the Active state when the customer participates and all the necessary approval or paperwork is complete. It moves to the Inactive state when the customer no longer participates.

Pending A service credit membership may start out in the Pending state. A membership is typically created in this state if the creation of the membership requires approval or any manual step (e.g. waiting for paperwork) that needs to be completed prior to activation.


Events for Pending Memberships. Service credit events may still be created for membership records in the Pending state.

Active A service credit membership is in the Active state when a customer is actively participating in a service credit membership. A membership may be created in the Active state or it may transition to the Active state from Pending when all the necessary approval or paperwork is complete.


Manual Activation Only. There is no system functionality that automatically changes the status of a membership from Pending to Active. This is a manual step.

Inactive If a customer is no longer actively participating in a service credit membership, change the status to Inactive. This will prevent any new events from being created for the membership.