Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Integrations

The Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Integration to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System supports integrations between components of the Oracle Utilities DERMS solution, Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights. This integration provides the following functionality:

  • Customer Enrollment Data Synchronization: Once a customer and their controllable device is successfully enrolled in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service, it triggers a message to synchronize the data with Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights for the associated service point so that it is included in load reduction forecasting and actual kWh Avoided calculations.

  • Event Outcome - Settlement Calculations: After completion of a scheduled event Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System sends event outcome details for each device to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights. This enables the computation of the "kWh Reduced" value to use in financial settlements and the calculation of the load reduction forecast for the corresponding service point.

  • Load Reduction Forecast: Oracle Utilities Analytics Insight periodically sends a load reduction forecast file containing the forecasted load reduction values for all metered service points associated to an active program enrollment to Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System. Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System uses the load reduction forecast, device score, and availability to reserve the optimal set of controllable devices for a program event.

  • KWH Avoided: Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights sends a "kWh Avoided" file to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service which contains the actual energy reduction achieved for the duration of the event for each customer. Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service records and uses the kWh avoided information to determine financial settlement data. See  Processing KWH Avoided Files (below) for more information.

Refer to the Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights Integration to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Grid Edge Distributed Energy Resources Management System documentation for more information about this integration.

Processing KWH Avoided Files

Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights send "kWh avoided" files containing the actual energy reduction achieved for the duration of the event for each customer, which can be used to determine financial settlement data. These files consist of comma separated records for each participating metered service point which are sent to Oracle Cloud Object Storage. A batch process imports these files and creates business flags that capture the data for each metered service point. This section describes how Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service/Digital Asset Management processes these "kWh avoided" files.

KWH Avoided File Format

"kWh avoided" files use the following comma values format:

Table listing fields used in kWh avoided files





ID of the program event



The program event type



The Program ID for the event



The Metered Service Point ID



Start time of the event



End time of the event



The interval size of the interval values included, represented in seconds.



The total kWh saved for the event period



Individual interval values that comprise the total kWh saved for the event period. The number of interval values is based on the duration of the event divided by the interval size.

1: 5.00

2: 3.00

3: 2.00

4: 2.00

5: 3.00

6: 8.00

7: 6.00

8: 4.00

 Below is a sample file, based on the example data above:

EventId,EventType,ProgramId,SPId,ActualStartTime,ActualEndTime,IntervalSize(Seconds),TotalKwhSavedForPeriod,KwhSaved1,KwhSaved2,KwhSaved3,KwhSaved4,..... 4011,Economic,1234512345,1122334455,2022-12-13T14:30:00-05:00,2022-12-13T16:30:00-05:00,900,30.00,5.00,3.00,2.00,2.00,3.00,8.00,6.00,4.00

Batch Processing

"kWh avoided" files are processed using the kWh Avoided Business Flag Upload (X1-KWHAV) batch process. Use the Batch Control portal to view the parameters used by this batch process. This process should be scheduled to run on a regular basis. 

This batch processes uses the Create kWh Avoided Business Flag (X1-KWHAVDBUS) algorithm (defined for the "File Upload" System Event on the Algorithms tab of the Batch Control portal). This algorithm uses the following parameters:

  • Business Flag Standard Name: The Standard Name (X1-KWHAVOIDED) used to identify the Business Flag Type for business flags created by the batch process. See  Understanding Business Flags and  Standard Name for more information about business flag standard names.

  • Interval Data Condition Value: The usage transaction service quantity condition code for the interval data values captured in the business flag, from the Usage Transaction SQ Interval Condition (D2-UTSQIntvlConditionLookup) extendable lookup

Note that these parameter values cannot be changed. Implementations wishing to use alternative values for these parameters must create their own version of this algorithm and add the customer algorithm to the batch control.

KWH Avoided Business Flags

The kWh Avoided Business Flag Upload (X1-KWHAV) batch process creates Business Flags for each metered service point in the file. These business flags are created using the kWh Avoided Business Flag (X1-KWhAvdBusinessFlag) business object. 

"kWh avoided" business flags include the following:

  • Business Flag Type: The business flag type on which the business flag is based. Business flag types specify details for business flags of a certain type.  

  • Status: The current status of the business flag

  • Service Point ID: The metered service point associated with the business flag

  • Affected Entity MO: The maintenance object for the related entity (in this case, the Service Point - MDM maintenance object)

  • Business Flag Date/Time: The date and time the business flag was created. Note that this is not related to the time period of the interval data values contained in the record.

  • Priority: The priority of the business flag, defined by the business flag type.

  • Initiating System: the system that created the business flag. When blank it indicates the business flag was created internally.

  • External Information: Identifiers received from the system that initiated the business flag

  • Analysis: Details of the program event that resulted in the actual energy reduction, including:

    • Event External Identifier: External ID for the event

    • Program Event Category: The event's category

    • Program External ID: The program's external ID

    • Status: The status of the data import. Can be one of the following:

      • Success: The import contained a Total KWh value and all interval values

      • Partial: The import contained a Total kWh value and some interval values 

      • Failure: The import contained a Total kWh value but no interval values

    • Total kWh avoided: The service point's total energy reduction (in kWh) for the event. If the Status is "Success" this value should equal the total of the interval values listed below.

    • Actual Start Date/Time: The start date and time of the event

    • Actual End Date/Time: The end date and time of the event

    • Interval Size: The interval size of the interval values included, represented as hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds)

    • Interval Data: A table listing the individual interval values that comprise the energy reduction. Each interval value is defined by:

      • Sequence: The sequence number for the interval value. The number of interval values should equal the duration of the event divided by the interval size. For example, for an event that last 2 hours with an interval size of 15 minutes, there would be 8 interval values. 

      • Date/Time: The date and time of the interval value. Note that the first interval value should have a Date/Time equal to the Actual Start Date/Time.

      • Quantity: The interval value, in kWh. The total of these values should equal the Total kWh avoided value above.

      • Interval Condition Value: The usage transaction service quantity condition assigned to the value (from the Interval Data Condition Value parameter on the Create kWh Avoided Business Flag (X1-KWHAVDBUS) algorithm).

You must create a business flag type that references the business flag Standard Name and business flag business object to be used when creating business flags. This should be creating using the kWh Avoided Business Flag Type (X1-KWhAvdBusinessFlagType) business object, and should contain the following:

  • Business Flag Type: A code for the business flag type.

  • Standard Name: The business flag standard name for business flags based on this type. This should be kWh Avoided (X1-KWHAVOIDED).

  • Related Transaction BO: The business object used for business flags based on this type. This defaults to kWh Avoided Business Flag (X1-KWhAvdBusinessFlag) and should not be changed unless your implementation has created its own "kWh avoided" business flag business object. 

  • Default Priority: The default priority assigned to business flags based on this type. This is used to prioritize processing of business flags based on this type relative to other business flags.

  • Status: The status of the business flag type. Business flags are created only from "Active" business flag types.

  • Description: A description of the business flag type. This is used in information strings for the business flag type  

See Understanding Business Flags for more information about business flags and business flag types.