Importing Device and Program Enrollment Data from a Demand Response Management System (DRMS)

Device and program enrollment data includes controllable devices, device locations, enrollments, and event participation records, and is usually imported into Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service from a demand response management system (DRMS) such as Oracle Utilities Network Management System. Data to be imported is sent to a tab-delimited flat file, which is uploaded into the system via batch processing which creates inbound data synchronization (sync) requests. These sync requests are processed and validated by a monitor batch process, and then a separate batch process creates master data records from each.

Device and program enrollment data uploads are used when setting up the system to import data from a demand response management system (DRMS) as Oracle Utilities Network Management System. Once the Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service implementation is live, device and program enrollment information will created in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service and sent to the demand response management system (DRMS),

Note: Device and program enrollment data cannot be imported until AFTER importing customer data (see Importing Customer-Related Data from a Customer Information System).

Import Process Overview

This section provide an overview of the import process and outlines the various system objects used for each type of data (controllable devices, device locations, enrollments, and event participation ). The overall process is as follows:

  1. Data to be imported is exported from the DRMS into a tab-delimited values file.

  2. An "Upload" batch process is used to create inbound sync requests  in the Pending state based on object-specific initial synchronization business objects. A separate inbound sync request is created for each row in the import file.

  3. The inbound sync requests are processed using the Sync Request Monitor (F1-SYNRQ) batch process. 

  4. An "Initial Sync Request - Load" batch process is used to create individual master data records from each inbound sync request.

Import of some some types of data uses additional batch processing. These are noted in the data-specific topics that follow.

Upload Batch Processes

Import files are uploaded using object-specific "Upload" batch processes. See Import Process Object Summary below for the specific "Upload" batch process used for each type of device and enrollment data. These should be run as needed for the initial import, as well as subsequent incremental updates.

These processes use the following parameters:

  • File Name: The name of the file to upload. File names can use wildcards (Required) 

  • Flat Path: The file location where the upload file is located. This can be a file location on a local server or a location in Object Storage. See Referencing URIs in the Framework Administrative User Guide for more information. (Required) 

  • Processed File Extension: The text appended to the file name after the file has been processed.  Default is "PROCESSED".

  • Error On No Files Found: Indicates whether or not an error is issued if no files are found matching the given name in the given path.  Valid values are "true" (default) and "false".

  • External System: The external system that created the upload file (Required)

Use the Batch Control portal to learn more about these and other parameters used by these batch process.

Inbound Sync Request Business Objects

Inbound sync requests are created by the "Upload" batch processes, and are based on "Initial Sync Request" business objects. See Import Process Object Summary below for the specific "Initial Sync Request" business objects used for each type of customer data.

The table below outlines the stages of the inbound sync request lifecycle.  Use the Business Object portal to learn more about these business objects and the details of each lifecycle state.




Inbound sync requests begin in this state.

The Sync Request Monitor (F1-SYNRQ) batch process is used to transition sync requests in this state to the Transform/Validate state.


In this state the data is validated and transformed as needed for import.

In this state values defined by lookups are derived from the data in the upload file via extendable lookups.

Sync requests move from this state to either the Validated state.

Validation Error

Sync requests enter this state if an error occurs during validation in the Transform/Validate step.

If a sync request needs to be updated manually, it can be put into this state via the Correct action in the Record Actions section.


Initial Load sync requests enter this state following validation in the Transform/Validate step. 

If corrections need to be made, users can use the Correct action in the Record Actions section to transition the record to the Validation Error state.


Initial Load sync requests enter this state when a record has been successfully loaded,


The sync request enters this state if the sync request is discarded from either the Validated or Validation Error state,

Initial Sync Request Load Batch Processes

Master data records are created from inbound sync requests using "Initial Sync Request - Load" batch processes. See Import Process Object Summary below for the specific "Initial Sync Request - Load" batch processes used for each type of device and enrollment data. These should be run as needed for the initial import, as well as subsequent incremental updates.

Use the Batch Control portal to view the parameters used by these batch processes.

Import Process Object Summary

The table below lists the batch controls and business objects used by each type of device and enrollment data.

Import Order

Object Type

Upload Batch Process

Initial Synchronization Business Object

Initial Synchronization Load Batch Process


Controllable Device 

Legacy Controllable Device File Upload (X1-DVUPL)

Controllable Device Initial Sync Request (X1-DASyncReqControllableDevice)

Initial Sync Request - Load Controllable Device (X1-SILDV)


Device Location

Legacy Device Location File Upload (X1-DLUPL)

Device Location Initial Sync Request (X1-DASyncReqDeviceLocation)

Initial Sync Request - Load Device Location (X1-SILDL)



Legacy Enrollment File Upload (X1-ENUPL)

Enrollment Initial Sync Request (X1-DASyncReqEnrollment)

Initial Sync Request - Load Enrollment (X1-SILEN)


Event Participation

Legacy Participation Event File Upload  (X1-PTUPL)

Event Participation Sync Request BO (X1-DASyncReqEventParticipation)

Initial Sync Request - Load Event Participation (X1-SLPAR)

Note: Device and program enrollment data must be imported in the order listed above.