Understanding Service Quantity Identifiers

Service Quantity Identifiers (SQI) are used to further distinguish between measured quantities that have identical UOM/TOU combinations, including situations in which the distinguishing identifier of a UOM is not accurately described as a TOU. Some examples include: Generated, Consumed, etc. When used to define interval prices, service quantity identifiers might represent things like Market Prices or Real-Time Prices.

SQIs can also be used as a stand-alone representation of a service quantity that is not measured (one that is not properly described as a UOM) within a usage service quantity collection (such as a billing determinant).

System Data

Service quantity identifiers are based on the following system data:

Data Type


Maintenance Object

Service Quantity Identifier - MDM (D1-SQI)

Business Object(s)

Service Quantity Identifier (D1-ServiceQuantityIdentifier)