Defining Program Service Call Options

This section outlines the configuration needed to support service call processes.

Create Service Task Types

You must create one or more service task types for different types of service call processes. The number of service task types needed is based on the number of programs, program subscription types, and device location types you have configured.

See Understanding Digital Asset Service Task Types and Defining Digital Asset Service Task Types for more information about working with digital asset service task types.

Create Action Method

You must also configure an Action Method to create service calls for customers using the Process Flow portal.

Use the following procedure to create an action method used with digital asset service call processing.

  1. Select Admin, select System, then select Action Method, Add.

  2. Select "DA Program Service Call Action Method" from the Action Method Business Object drop-down list on the Select Business Object screen and click OK.

  3. Enter the following on the Action Method screen:
    • Action Method: A code for your action method

    • Action Method Role: Digital Asset Program Service Call

    • Description: A description of your request type

    • Default Details:
      • Process Flow Type: Digital Asset Program Service Call Process

      • Appointment Resource Option: Indicates if available appointments should be based on an Activity Type or Template Activity (default). If set to "Template Activity", appointment slots are selected based on labor requirements defined in the Template Activity specified in the program call service task type as well as the selected crew shift type and crew.
      • Appointment Slot Days: The number of days added to the selected appointment date to build a date range for the list of available appointment slots on the Device Setup panel of program call process flows (maximum value of 9 days)
  4. Click Save.

See Defining Action Methods for more information about creating Action Method records.