Digital Asset Cloud Service / Digital Asset Management Inbound Web Services

Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management include inbound web service REST APIs that can be used for customer enrollment and unenrollment, managing event participation, and other processes. Refer to Inbound Web Services for general information about inbound web service options.

Use the Inbound Web Service portal to view additional details about these web services and their supported operations.

Program Enrollments

The Program Enrollments (X1-ProgramEnrollment) inbound web service can be used to enable submission of program enrollment and unenrollment requests from external systems such as a customer information system. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Create Program Enrollment (enrollProgram): Used to create an enrollment request to enroll a customer in a program

  • Create Program Unenrollment (unenrollProgram): - Used to create an unenrollment request to unenroll (remove) a customer from a program

  • Get Program Enrollment (getProgramEnrollment): - Used to retrieve enrollment information

  • Get Program Unenrollment (getProgramUnenrollment): - Used to retrieve unenrollment information

See About Enrollment and Unenrollment in the Business User Guide for more information about the processes used to enroll and unenroll customers in programs.

Program Event

The Program Event (X1-ProgramEvent) inbound web service can be used to create and update program events from external systems such as an advanced distribution management system (ADMS) such as Oracle Utilities Network Management System or a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Create Program Event (createProgramEvent): Used to create program events. Program events begin in the "Scheduled" state (Created in Pending, but auto-transitions to "Scheduled")

  • Action Program Event (actionProgramEvent): Used to transition event to different states, such as In Progress, Complete, or Cancelled.

See See About Program Events in the Business User Guide for more information about program events.

Program Event Participation

The Program Event Participation (X1-ProgramEventParticipation) inbound web service can be used to send event participation data from external systems such as an advanced distribution management system (ADMS) such as Oracle Utilities Network Management System or a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Reserve Device (reserveDevice): Used to "reserve" devices for an upcoming event by creating records in the Event Participation table. This process can also create an event if it doesn't already exist.

  • Post-Event Update (postEventOutcome): Used to update device event participation records with the outcome of the event

See About Event Participation in the Business User Guide for more information about event participation.

Program Eligibility and Qualification Questions

The Program Eligibility and Qualification Questions (X1-ProgramEligibilityAndQualification) inbound web service can be used to retrieve the eligible programs for a customer, each program's questions that will be asked to the customer during the enrollment process, and expected answers from a customer in order to qualify in the program. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Get Eligible Programs (getEligiblePrograms): Used to retrieve the eligible programs for a customer

  • Get Informational Questions (getInformationalQuestions): Used to retrieve a program's informational questions used in the enrollment process, and expected answers from a customer.

  • Get Qualification Questions (getQualifyingQuestions): Used to retrieve a program's qualification questions used in the enrollment process, and expected answers from a customer in order to qualify in the program

See About Programs in the Business User Guide for more information about program qualification and eligibility.

Controllable Device Status

The Controllable Device Status (X1-ControllableDeviceStatus) inbound web service can be used to receive the status of a controllable device from an external application. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Post Controllable Device Status Check (postControllableDeviceStatus): Used by an external application to send the status of a controllable device

See About Controllable Assets and Devices in the Business User Guide for more information about controllable devices.

Current Program Enrollment

The Current Program Enrollment (X1-CurrentProgramEnrollment) inbound web service can be used to retrieve the current program enrollment for the specified customer. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Retrieve Program Enrollment (retrieveProgramEnrollment): Used to retrieve the current program enrollment for the specified customer

See About Enrollment and Unenrollment in the Business User Guide for more information about the processes used to enroll and unenroll customers in programs.

Program Context

The Program Context (X1-ProgramContext) inbound web service can be used to retrieve customer context information comprising name value pairs, which can help indicate various programs in which the customer may be enrolled. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Get Program Context (getProgramContexts): Used to retrieve the program context for a customer

See About Enrollment and Unenrollment in the Business User Guide for more information about the processes used to enroll and unenroll customers in programs.

Appointment Tasks

The Appointment Tasks (X1-AppointmentTasks) inbound web service can beused to request and track appointments related to service order field activities for the customer via self-service portals. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Book Appointment (bookAppointment): Used to book an appointment

  • Cancel Appointment (cancelAppointment): Used to cancel an appointment
  • Retrieve Pending Tasks (retrievePendingTasks): Used to retrieve a list of pending tasks

  • Search Appointment Slots (searchAppointmentSlots): Used to search for available appointment slots
  • Search For Tasks (searchForTasks): Used to search for tasks

Work Activity Appointment Tasks

The Work Activity Appointment Tasks (X1-WorkActivityAppointmentSlots) inbound web service can be used to request and schedule appointment slots related to work activities. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Get Work Activity Appointment Slots (getAppointmentSlots): Used to get available appointment slots for a work activity
  • Schedule Activity (scheduleAppointment): Used to schedule an appointment for a work activity

DER Device Management

The DER Device Management (X1-DERDeviceManagement) inbound web service can be used to perform registration and/or enrollment of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) devices. This web service includes the following operations:

  • Register DER Device (registerDERDevice): Used by an external application to register and enroll a DER device. This operation creates a DER asset and device, as well as an enrollment service task to enroll the device in a program based on the specification defined for the asset. The enrollment service task is created in the "Pending" state. The service task should be processed either manually or via the Service Task Monitor (Deferred) (F1-STKDF) batch process.

Registration of DER devices includes populating various attributes of the device and related specifications. Specification attribute and attribute values must be defined for the specification prior to registration of DER devices related to specification.

See About Controllable Assets and Devices, Maintaining Controllable Assets and Device, and Maintaining Specifications in the Business User Guide for more information about controllable devices and where asset and specification attribute values are maintained.