Valid Attributes

For simple use cases where additional details about an asset need to be captured and these details vary by asset type, you may define these details as asset-related characteristic types and associate them with each asset type as needed. This can also be done for the engineering specifications. With this simplified extension method, the base asset BOs may be used as is without any schema change.

Implemented as a characteristic, the value of such asset and specification attributes may only be of a free text or restricted to a predefined list of characteristic values.

Use the following steps to guide configuration:

  • Consider what attributes you want to have recorded for each of your asset types. For example, Pole asset type attributes might include Set Year, Material, Material Class, and Current Height and engineering specification attributes might include fuel type or vehicle type.
  • Define a characteristic type of the appropriate type value. Use a Predefined Value Characteristic Type for a list of valid values and an Adhoc Value Characteristic Type for a simple text value. Link the Characteristic Type for asset attributes to (W1–AssetAttributes) entity and the engineering specification attributes to (W1-SpecificationAttributes) entity.
  • Associate each attribute with the asset types and engineering specification it is applicable to. Assets created from the asset type will display the list of asset attributes in the Asset Attributes zone and a list of engineering specification attributes in the Engineering Specification Attribute Types zone on the Asset record.
    Note: Asset Attributes zone and Engineering Specification Attributes Types zone will only display on the Asset record if the Asset Type it was created from includes at least one asset or engineering specification attribute.
  • Consider whether your business process requires validation algorithms to be plugged in on the asset business object to further validate or enforce other business rules related to these asset attributes.