16.9.1 Approval Rules – Summary

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Rules Management screen. User can opt to view the details of existing Approval Rules or can create new approval rule using this screen.

Figure 16-76 Rules Management – Summary

Table 16-44 Field Description

Field Name Description
Rule Code Search with Approval rule code.
Rule Description Search with Approval rule description.
Rule Applicable For Search whether rule is applicable for Release or Approval.
Search Result
Rule Code The Approval rule code.
Rule Description The Approval rule description.
Maker Initiator type (User ID or User Group Code) of the transaction.

This field will be displayed only if existing approval rules are available.

Approval Required Whether approval is required for each rule maintained.
Change Type Displays the status of the record i.e. if it is created or modified.
Rule Applicable for Displays the whether the approval rule is applicable for Release or Approval.
  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Approval Rules screen appears.
  2. In the Rule Code field, enter the approval Rule code to be searched.
  3. In the Rule Description field, enter the description of the approval Rule to be searched.
  4. In the Rule Applicable For field, specify whether the approval rule is applicable for Release or Approval.
  5. Click Search.

    The Rule Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.

  6. Click the Rule code link, to view details of the selected Approval Rule.

    The Approval Rules - View screen appears.


    Click on Add Another to add the Approval Rules.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.


    Click Create to create new Approval Rule for corporate users.