Click on commentComments icon to view / add stage wise comments. These comments can be added by any user involved in the maintenance journey e.g., maker, checker etc.


  • The comments can be captured at each resource level.
  • Multiple comments can be captured for one resource.
  • The user ID and date timestamp will be available for each comment.
  • The user can add comments however the added comments cannot be modified or deleted.
  • The comments will be available in the activity log for the Group Corporate against the transaction reference number as long as the Group Corporate data is not purged.
  • A history of comments will be available in case the maintenance is picked up by another approver of same user group for action. The reference number of the transaction continues to be the same and hence the comments trail can be viewed.
  1. Enter the comments.
  2. Click Save to save the comments.


    Click Clear to reset the data entered.