3.5 FAQ

  1. Who can create / update the user?

    System administrator, bank administrator and corporate administrator can create or edit the users. Corporate Administrator can create user for the party ID he belongs to.

  2. What type of combinations are allowed for the Retail & Business user type for the digital banking accesses ?

    Users are provided with the following access combinations:

    Table 3-7 Type of combinations allowed for the Retail & Business user type

    Relationships Allowed/Not Allowed
    One Retail Allowed
    Multiple Retail Not Allowed
    One Retail + One Business Allowed
    One Retail + Multiple Business Allowed
    Multiple Retail + Multiple Business Not Allowed
    One Business Allowed
    Multiple Business Allowed
  3. Can I edit the party id mapped to the user?

    No, party ID mapped to the user cannot be edited.

  4. When does the system update a user status as ‘locked’?

    User status can get locked if he has exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed for entering a wrong password.

  5. When will the System/ Bank Administrator use Revoke Channel Access feature?

    Incase if the customer does not want to use his channel banking and requests bank to disable his internet banking, bank user can do the same by revoking the channel access for his user. Similarly if a corporate user leaves a corporate house, his channel access should be revoked using this feature, so that he should not be able to access the company accounts.

  6. Can I set the user name which is already used in the application?

    No, uniqueness of a user name/user ID is checked while creating or modifying a user.

  7. Can I edit personal and contact details of Retail user?

    No, personal and contact details of Retail user are fetched from the core banking application and cannot be edited using User Management functionality.

  8. Can one assign multiple Application roles to a user?

    Yes, multiple Application roles can be assigned to the user. e.g. Corporate user is acting as maker of few transactions and approver of few other transactions.

  9. What are the different child roles available out of box?

    Following are the Application role associated with each application role out of box.

    Table 3-8 Application Role

    User Type Application Roles
    Retail User
    Corporate User
    • Maker
    • Checker
    • Viewer
    • Corporate Admin Maker
    • Corporate Admin Checker
    • Non Customer Maker
    • Non Customer Checker
    • Non Customer Viewer
    • Non Customer Corp Admin Maker
    • Non Customer Corp Admin Checker
    • Admin Maker
    • Admin Checker
  10. If I update the limit package associated with a user, what will happen to the in-flight transactions?

    Yes, new limit package can be mapped to a user. Limits get applied from an immediate effect if the effective date is less than or equal to current date. And if the effective date is future date, the limit package will be applied from the date available in the package.

  11. If I update the Application role associated to a user, what will happen to the in-flight transactions?

    In case of any update of Application roles mapped to the user as edit user functionality, the privileges associated with new child roles get applied to the user with an immediate effect.

    So if any transaction is pending with approver for approval, user can view and approve those transactions only if checker role is mapped to him. As soon as checker role is unmapped, then user will not be able to view and approve the transactions which were pending for his approval.

  12. Can administrator with one entity have right to create users in different entity?

    No, administrator can only create users in his own entity only.

  13. Can I assign a user Segment to a Corporate User?

    No, User Segment can only be attached to a Retail user.

  14. Can I assign additional roles to a Retail user associated to a Segment?

    Yes, system displays all the application roles which are not linked to a segment against the roles field, these roles can be attached to a user in addition to the roles attached to a segment.

  15. If a user’s User ID is locked and he/she has requested for a reset password, does the admin needs to unlock it separately ?

    No, the user ID will automatically get unlocked at the time of resetting the password by Admin.