4.5 FAQ

  1. What is sequential type of approval flow?

    Under Sequential approval flow, the approval can be done only in the sequence as mentioned in approval workflow. So, at the 1st level of approval, users/user groups who are assigned to authorize only can view and approve the transaction. After the transaction is approved by level 1 user, users/user groups having rights for 2nd level of approval will be able to view and authorize the transaction. The transaction is marked as approved only after the user at the last level approves/authorizes it.

  2. What is Parallel type of approval flow?

    It is “Non-Sequential” type of approval flow which doesn’t follow any specific sequence. Any user (who is part of the approval flow) from any approval level can pick up the transaction/maintenance and approve it. The transaction/maintenance is marked as approved if one user from each approval level (as configured) has approved/authorized the transaction.

  3. What is cumulative daily limit package?

    This limit package acts as a cumulative limit for all users of a party and is utilized as and when any user authorizes the transaction as a final approver. The daily limit per transaction and number of transactions allowed limit is checked and updated against the cumulative limit set.

  4. What is User limit package?

    This limit package is applicable for all users of the party (Users to whom this party ID is mapped as primary Party ID). This package will be overridden by User level limits package, if defined, at User level in User Management screen.

  5. Can administrator delete Party Preference?

    No, party preference cannot be deleted but can be disabled.

  6. If I change the approval type from sequential to parallel or vice versa, what happens to the in-flight transactions/maintenances?

    Edited approval type is applicable for new transactions initiated post modification. Previously initiated transactions (in flight transactions/maintenances) which are pending approval will follow an approval type which was applied at the time of transaction initiation.

  7. If I edit the ‘Allowed Roles field’ and remove one of the options supported earlier, what impact will it have to the existing users on-boarded on that role?

    If the Bank administrator edits and removes the roles mapped as ‘Allowed Roles’., the removed role will not be available to corporate administrator while creating new user and editing existing user. Old users whom the role is already mapped will continue to get the privileges.

  8. Can I edit the limit packages? How does it impact the transactions?

    Yes, new limit package can be mapped for party. Limits get applied from an immediate effect if the effective date is less than or equal to current date. And if the effective date is future date, the limit package will be applied from the date available in the package.

  9. Is it mandatory to map packages for all the touch points and groups available under each entity?

    Mapping the limit package (CCL) for global is mandatory. However the mapping limit packages (CCL) for each touch point and for all groups is not mandatory. Whereas, administrator needs to operationally ensure that packages are mapped to the relevant touch point/groups which are accessible by the party users.

    In case of customer user limit packages (CUL), if the package will be overridden by User level limits package, if defined, at User Maintenance. Or packages maintained for a user segment at system rules will be applicable if not package mapping is not defined at user or party level.

  10. Can I manually define Global touch point group?

    No, Touch Point – Global is nothing but a group of all internal and external touch points available in the application. This group cannot be maintained manually.