16.2.3 Group Corporate Profiling - Edit

This function enables administrator user to edit the exiting Group Corporate Profiling details.

To edit the Profiling details of the Group Corporate:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Group Corporate Profiling screen appears.
  2. In the Search By field, select the appropriate option to search the Group Corporate.
    1. If you select the Group Corporate option;
      1. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the Group Corporate ID whose Group Corporate Details you wish to view.


        In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the name of the Group Corporate whose Group Corporate Details you want to view.

    2. If you select the Party option;
      1. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID mapped to Group Corporate you wish to view.

        The Search Party popup appears.

      2. From the Entity ID list, select the entity from which party to be searched.
      3. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID to be searched.


        In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party to be searched.

      4. Click Search to search the party mapped to the Group Corporate.


        Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


        Click Clear to rest the entered details.

  3. Click Search.
    The Group Corporate summary screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria

    In case of invalid Group Corporate details, error message is shown on the screen.


    Click Clear to reset the details.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  4. Click the link under the Onboarding Status or Modification Status column.
    The search result according to the search criteria appears
  5. Click on the edit icon adjacent to Group Corporate Name field to modify the name of the Group Corporate.
    1. Enter the new Group Corporate name, and click Check Availability to check the uniqueness of the name.


      If the user ID is already used.

      1. Displays Available status if new name assigned is unique and can be used.
      2. The refresh icon is provided to reset and re-enter the new name.
      3. Available status is shown if new name assigned is unique and hence can be used.
      4. If user clicks on Save without checking the availability, system displays the an error message.

    Figure 16-14 Group Corporate Profiling – Edit

  6. Click Edit to edit the Group Corporate Profiling details.

    Table 16-7 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Group Corporate Name Name of the group corporate.

    This field is editable.

    Global Role
    Bank Roles All the roles available at enterprise level.

    This field is editable.

    Customer Roles Create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role available at Group Corporate level.

    This field is editable.


    Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and custom roles to a Group Corporate.
    Entity Specific Roles The roles associated with a particular entity.

    This field is editable.


    • If an application role is assigned to an entity to which the administrator is not mapped, then the administrator is not able to access the role for view/modify/delete.
    • If a Group Corporate specific application role is created by extending an existing entity specific application role, the entity mapping applicable to the parent role from which the Group Corporate specific application role has been created, would be applicable to the Group Corporate specific application role. An administrator will not be able to modify the ‘Entity’ of custom application roles once created.
    Customer Role Create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role available at Group Corporate level.

    This field is editable.


    Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and custom roles to a Group Corporate
    Workflow Preferences The preference to implement the workflow.

    This field is editable.

    Possible value will be

    • Corporate Level
    • Rule Level
    Approval Flow Define the Approval workflow type.

    This field is editable.

    Possible value will be

    • Sequential
    • Parallel
    • No Approval

    This field enable if Corporate Level option is selected in Workflow Preferences field.

    Approval Routing Type Define the approval routing type.

    This field is editable.

    Possible value will be

    • Auto- System will resolve the rule and the transaction will be sent for approval as per the rule resolved by the system. A rule which is having amount slab closest to the transaction amount will be resolved. The user will not have an option to select the approval workflow if routing type is Auto
    • Manual- User will be able to select a workflow from the resolved rules as part of transaction initiation


    1. In case system resolves multiple rules with different min-max slabs, then as per rule resolution logic, it will resolve the rule which has the nearest ‘max’ value in the defined slab.
      1. A Day 0 configuration is provided to define if weightage needs to be checked during rule evaluation (Auto-routing/Manual routing)
        • If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
          • If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
          • If the Day 0 configuration is no, then he rules will be evaluated irrespective of the currency. All the rules falling within the amount range (post currency conversion) will be resolved. Whichever approver picks the transaction first, that rule will be the final resolved rule
    Release Facility Specify whether the release functionality is to be enabled or disabled at Group Corporate level.

    This field is editable.

    Corporate Administrator Facility Set this flag if Corporate Admin facility is required for the Group Corporate.

    This field is editable.

    Accessible Roles for Corporate Administrator Select the Roles that should be available to Corporate admin for onboarding new users.

    This field is editable.

  7. In the Bank Role Name field, select the checkbox (s) against the application roles and assign the Application Roles available at enterprise level (This Application roles are created using Role Transaction Mapping screen).
  8. From the Custom Role list, select the role, if a custom role is required to be added for the Group Corporate.
  9. Click Add role to create application role.
    The Map Transaction overlay screen appears.
  10. The Application Role Creation screen to add transaction modules and touch points appears.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and to go back to previous screen.

Create Customer Role - Application Role Creation

Using this option, System Administrator can select and assign the roles available at enterprise level as is, or he can create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role available at Group Corporate level and map transactions to it for selected touch points.

Figure 16-15 Application Role Creation

Table 16-8 Field Description

Field Name Description
Create Customer Role
Application Role Name Name of the application role.
Custom Application Role Name Name for the Custom Application role
Module Name The modules for which the transaction mapping is to be done. Transactions under the selected modules will get displayed for mapping
Map Transactions to Touch Points The internal touch points for which the transaction mapping is done for application role.

All the internal touch point maintained in the system gets displayed here.

This field is displayed and enabled, only if you select the Internal option in the Touch Point Type field.

Transaction Name Name of transaction to be mapped to the application role.
Action Name of the action that can be performed for that transaction by the user to which this application role is assigned.
  • Perform- This action lets the user to perform or initiate that transaction and should be given to maker role.
  • Approve- This action lets the user to approve that transaction and should be given to approval role
  • View- This action lets the user to view the initiated and approved transactions by other users and should be given to viewer role
  • Check- This action allows the user to check the initiated transactions by other users and should be given to checker role
  • Release- This action allows the user to release the initiated transactions by other users and should be given to releaser role

  1. In the Application Role Name field, the existing application role from which the clone of the application role is being created will be displayed.
  2. In the Custom Application Role Name, enter the name of the application role.


    Enter the new Custom Application Role Name, and click Check Availability to check the uniqueness of the name.
  3. Select appropriate Module Name for transactions mapping.
  4. Select the check box against the list of Touch Points to map the transactions to selected touch points.
  5. Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.

    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  6. To map the Transactions to the role, click viewdetails icon against the particular module, then select the transaction type, and then transactions to be mapped
  7. Select the respective check boxes preceding to transaction to be mapped.

    Select the checkbox at every transaction header level if you want to map all the transactions belong to that parent transactions at one instance.

  8. Click Save to save the changes.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  9. Select the appropriate Workflow Preference to specify the preference to implement the workflow, whether at Corporate Level or at Rule Level.
    1. Select the Approval Flow to define the Approval workflow type, if it has to be sequential or parallel or No Approval is required.
  10. Select the Approval Routing Type;
    Select Auto if you wish system should resolve the rule and send the transaction for approval as per the rule resolved by the system.


    Select Manual if you wish to allow initiator to choose workflow from the resolved rules as part of transaction initiation.

  11. Select the Release Facility flag if the release functionality needs to be enabled at Group Corporate level.
  12. the Accessible Roles for Corporate Administrator field, select the roles that should be available to Corporate Administrator for onboarding new users.
  13. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.

    Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.


    Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.


    Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

  1. The Review screen appears.
    Verify the details, and click Submit.


    Click Edit to modify the details entered.


    Click Next to proceed to next step.


    Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same application.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  2. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.