25 Product Maintenance

Product Maintenance feature allows the System Administrator to map products to users from the channel.

System Administrator can map products maintained in the core banking system to different User type and all the users falling under that user type can open accounts for the mapped products only. This option is currently enabled for Term Deposit and Recurring Deposit module.

For example: A user can open a term deposit or a recurring deposit only under those products which are mapped to the User Type/ /Party Type/User Segment assigned to the user. Products which are not mapped, will not be available (for opening deposit accounts) to a channel user. This will be a part of Day 1 setup.


For User Type – Retail, & Business, product mapping can be done for User Type, Party Type and User Segment combination.
  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
  • Approval rule is set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
  • Necessary products are maintained in core banking application.

Features Supported In Application

Navigation Path:

From System Administrator Dashboard, under Configuration widget, click Product Maintenance .


From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu, and then click Configuration , Under Configuration , click Product Maintenance