49.2 Relationship Matrix

Relationship Matrix maintenance allows the System Administrator to define the transaction access based on the account relationships. Administrator can enable or disable each transaction for each relationship code.

OBAPIS first checks if the transaction is mapped to the role attached to the user and then if it is enabled in relationship matrix. If both the conditions are satisfied, an access of a transaction and of an account is provided to the user.

  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
  • Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
  • Account relationship codes are maintained in OBAPIS and in Core Banking Application.
  • Relationship mapping (mapping of OBAPIS relationship codes with codes maintained in Core Banking application) is maintained.

Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, under Controls & Monitoring widget, click Relationship Matrix.


From System Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu , then click Menu and then click Controls & Monitoring. Under  Controls & Monitoring , click Relationship Matrix.