59 Request Processing

This feature enables the Bank Administrator to view the details of each service request initiated by business user and hence, enables the administrator to take an informed decision regarding the approval or rejection of the service request. Alternately, the administrator can also select multiple service request records from the summary page to approve or reject multiple requests at once. The search criteria provided enables the administrator to filter service requests based on various criteria such as request type, status, reference number, etc.

For the requests built using Service Request Form builder feature, once the Administrator approves/rejects a Service Request, he can change the status of the request and can also enter the comments while updating the status.

Below are the Service Requests that are available out of the box in the system:
  • Credit Card Supplementary
  • Credit Card PIN Request
  • Replace Credit Card
  • Update Card Limits
  • Update Credit Card Auto Payment
  • Register Credit Card Auto Payment
  • Deregister Credit Card Auto Payment
  • Activate Credit Card
  • Hotlist Debit Card
  • Cancel Debit Card
  • Debit Card PIN Request
  • Apply Debit Card
  • Replace Debit Card
  • Block Debit Card (temporary block)
  • Unblock Debit Card (remove temporary block)
  • Upgrade Debit Card

Apart from the above mentioned Service Requests, Bank can define new Service Requests definitions using Service Request-Form builder.

  • Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.

Features Supported In Application

The module supports following features:
  • View details of Service Request raised by customers
  • Approve / Reject Service Requests
  • Changes status of Service Request and input comments (for service requests built using Service Request-form builder)

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Others. Under Others , click Request Processing.


From Bank Administrator Dashboard, under Others,  click Request Processing.