59.2 Service Request Details (For Service Requests available out of the box)

This page is displayed once the Bank Administrator selects a service request record from the previous summary page. This screen comprises of three sections which display the details of the service request, the details of the initiator of the service request and also the transaction journey i.e. a time line graph depicting the stages of the service request.
Below are the Service Requests that are available out of the box in the system:
  • Credit Card Supplementary
  • Credit Card PIN Request
  • Replace Credit Card
  • Update Card Limits
  • Update Credit Card Auto Payment
  • Register Credit Card Auto Payment
  • Deregister Credit Card Auto Payment
  • Activate Credit Card
  • Hotlist Debit Card
  • Cancel Debit Card
  • Debit Card PIN Request
  • Apply Debit Card
  • Replace Debit Card
  • Block Debit Card (temporary block)
  • Unblock Debit Card (remove temporary block)
  • Upgrade Debit Card

To view the service requests details:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Request Processing screen appears.
  2. Enter the required information in the search criteria fields.
  3. Click Search.
    The specific service request records are displayed based on the search criteria specified.


    Click Reset to clear the search parameters.

  4. Click on a specific service request record to view the details of that service request.
    The service request details appears on the Service Request Details screen.

    Figure 59-3 Service Request Details

    Table 59-2 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Request Details
    Reference No The reference number generated at the time the service request was raised.
    Date Requested The date on which the service request was raised.
    Request Type The type of service request initiated.
    User Details
    User Name The user name of the business user who initiated the service request.
    User ID The user Id of the business user who initiated the service request.
    Party ID The party Id of the user who initiated the service request.
    Transaction Journey

    This section displays the stages of the service request in the form of a timeline graph. Details pertaining to when the service request was initiated along with when the service request was approved or rejected are displayed with the help of this timeline.

  5. Click Approve to Approve the Service Request.

    Click Reject to Reject the Service Request.

  6. Click Back to navigate back to the Request Processing - Summary screen.