16.4.2 User Management - Edit

This function enables the Administrator to edit the existing user details.

Figure 16-33 User Management – Edit

Table 16-17 Field Description

Field Name Description
Party ID Party ID for which the user is created will be displayed.

This is editable field.

Personal Information
User Name Name of the user (login ID) of the user.
Title Title of the user.

This is editable field.

The options are:
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Dr
  • Master
First Name First name of the user.

This is editable field.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

This is editable field.

Last Name Last name/ surname of the user.

This is editable field.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

This is editable field.

Contact Details
Email ID Email id of the user.

This is editable field.

Contact Number (Mobile) Mobile number of the user.

This is editable field.

Contact Number (Land Line) Phone number (land line) number of the user.

This is editable field.

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

This is editable field.

Country Country of the user.

This is editable field.

City City in which the user resides.

This is editable field.

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.

This is editable field.

Roles Application roles mapped to the user.

In case of multi entity setup, these roles will be for the default/home entity of the user.

This is editable field.

User Groups And Global Roles
User Groups The list of all user groups to which the selected user belongs.

This is editable field.


  1. This information is read-only and hence cannot be modified.
  2. If a particular user needs to be removed from a user group, then the administrator must manually go to the particular user group screen and remove the user.
Roles The global roles which are mapped to the users.

This is editable field.

Is Corporate Administrator Define whether the corporate user is corporate administrator or not.

This is editable field.

DND Alerts

Select the categories for which DND (do not disturb) needs to be enabled.

All the categories for which DND is applicable are listed for selection.
Device Registration

This is non editable section.

Android Devices This option shows if the user has registered futura Bank application on any android devices/s. Enabling of the device happens when the user installs and registers on the app on the android device. Administrator cannot manually enable the device.

If the Administrator deregisters the device, the user gets logged out from all the android devices and his alternate login gets disabled from all the android devices on which the user has installed the application.

iOS Devices This option shows if the user has registered futura Bank application on any iOS devices/s. Enabling of the device happens when the user installs and registers on the app on the iOS device. Administrator cannot manually enable the device.

If the Administrator deregisters the device, the user gets logged out from all the iOS devices and his alternate login gets disabled from all the iOS devices on which the user has installed the application.

Push Notifications

This is non editable section.

Android Devices This option shows if the user has registered for push notifications for android devices. Enabling of the push notification is done by user himself and administrator cannot do the same.

If the administrator disables this, the user will stop getting notifications as a pop-up message (push notification) on the user's registered mobile number.

iOS Devices This option shows if the user has registered for push notifications for iOS devices. Enabling of the push notification is done by user himself and administrator cannot do the same.

If the administrator disables this, the user will stop getting notifications as a pop-up message (push notification) on the user's registered mobile number.


To receive push notification user will have to allow the same on the device settings.
Primary Entity Details
Entity Name Primary Entity name associated to the user.
Map Parties
Primary Party Primary Entity name associated to the user.
Accessible Parties Accessible Entities associated to the user.
Limits Limits attached to the user.
Touch Points Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity for which the limit packages are mapped.
Map Roles Displays the roles to which the entities are mapped.
Accessible Entity Details
Entity Accessible Entity name associated to the user.
Map parties
Primary Party Primary Party ID details of the user is associated with the New Entity
Accessible Parties Accessible Party Details that user has access.
Limits Limits package associated to the user for the accessible entity.
Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity for which the limit packages are mapped.
Map Role The roles to which the entities are mapped.

To edit or update a user details:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The User Onboarding screen appears.
  2. Enter the search criteria and click Search.
    The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search parameters.


    Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  3. In the User Management - Search Results section, click the User Name link of the record for which you want to edit the user details.
    The User Management - View screen appears.
  4. Click Edit to update the user information.
  5. From the Party ID list, select the Party ID for which the user is created.
  6. In the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
  7. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
  8. In the User Groups and Global Roles section, select the checkbox (s) against the Roles field to map roles to the user.
  9. In the Is Corporate Administrator field, select the appropriate option to define whether the corporate user is corporate administrator or not.
  10. In the Category field, select the checkbox(es) categories for which DND (do not disturb) needs to be enabled.
  11. In the Accessible Entity Details section, add the accessible entities for the user.
  12. In the Limits section,
    1. In the Touch Points section, select the touch points to be mapped to user.
    2. Select the appropriate limit package under the Package for each touch point column.
    3. In the Map Roles field, select the checkbox(es) adjacent to roles to which the entities are to be mapped.
  13. In the Accessible Entity section, add the accessible entities for the user and select the party and limits for that entity (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup).
    1. In the Primary Party ID field, Sselect the Primary Party ID detailsmapped to of the user which is associated with the New Entity.
    2. In the Limits section, select the appropriate limit package under the Package for each touch point column.
    3. In the Touch Points section, select the touch points to be mapped to user.
    4. Select the appropriate limit package under the Package for each touch point column.
    5. In the Map Roles field, select the checkbox(es) adjacent to roles to which the entities are to be mapped.

    Figure 16-34 Touch Points Group - View Details

    Table 16-18 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.
    Group Description Group description defined for touch point groups.
    Group Type Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or external.
    Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.
  14. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.


    Click Next to proceed to the next logical step


    Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.


    Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  15. The Review screen appears.
    Verify the details, and click Confirm.


    Click Cancel to cancel the operation.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  16. The success message of updates appears.