5.1.9 Performing Settlement through CASA

You can perform your settlement through your CASA account.

To perform settlement through CASA:

  1. Navigate to the screen and fetch the account. For more information, refer Navigating and Fetching Account.
  2. From the Loan Payment and Closure tab, click Next.
    The Loan Settlement Details tab is displayed.
  3. From the Pay Through field, select the CASA option.
    The fields related to CASA are displayed.
  4. You can perform settlement through CASA using any of the following actions:
    • For CASA account in local currency:

      Figure 5-12 CASA Account in Local Currency

      Description of Figure 5-12 follows
      Description of "Figure 5-12 CASA Account in Local Currency"

      For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

      Table 5-9 CASA - Local Currency – Field Description

      Field Description
      Pay Through Select the CASA option to perform the settlement.


      For information on Instrument and Ledger, refer Performing Settlement through Instrument, and Performing Settlement through Ledger.
      Account Select the CASA account in local currency.


      For information on CASA in foreign currency, refer CASA in Foreign Currency.

      For information if you select the Other CASA option from the list, refer CASA Within the Bank and CASA Outside the Bank.

    • For CASA account in foreign currency:

      Figure 5-13 CASA Account in Foreign Currency

      Description of Figure 5-13 follows
      Description of "Figure 5-13 CASA Account in Foreign Currency"

      For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

      Table 5-10 CASA - Foreign Currency – Field Description

      Field Description
      Pay Through Select the CASA option to perform the settlement.


      For information on Instrument and Ledger, refer Performing Settlement through Instrument, and Performing Settlement through Ledger.
      Account Select the CASA account in foreign currency.


      For information on CASA in local currency, refer CASA in Local Currency.

      For information if you select the Other CASA option from the list, refer CASA Within the Bank and CASA Outside the Bank.

      Account Amount Displays the selected CASA account’s currency and amount equivalent of the value specified in the Amount to pay field in the Loan Payment and Closure tab.
      Exchange Rate Displays the current exchange rate of the amount.


      To modify the rate, you can click the Edit link.
    • For CASA account within the bank:

      Figure 5-14 CASA Within the Bank

      Description of Figure 5-14 follows
      Description of "Figure 5-14 CASA Within the Bank"

      For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

      Table 5-11 CASA Within the Bank – Field Description

      Field Description
      Pay Through Select the CASA option to perform the settlement.


      For information on Instrument and Ledger, refer Performing Settlement through Instrument, and Performing Settlement through Ledger.
      Account Select the Other CASA option.
      Type Select the CASA Within the Bank type.


      For information on CASA Outside the Bank, refer CASA Outside the Bank.
      Account Number Specify the CASA account number for performing the settlement.
      Account Amount Displays the selected CASA account amount.
      Exchange Rate Displays the current exchange rate of the amount.


      To modify the rate, you can click the Edit link.
    • For CASA account outside the bank:

      Figure 5-15 CASA Outside the Bank

      Description of Figure 5-15 follows
      Description of "Figure 5-15 CASA Outside the Bank"

      For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

      Table 5-12 CASA Outside the Bank – Field Description

      Field Description
      Pay Through Select the CASA option to perform the settlement.


      For information on Instrument and Ledger, refer Performing Settlement through Instrument, and Performing Settlement through Ledger.
      Account Select the Other CASA option.
      Type Select the CASA Outside the Bank type.


      For information on CASA Within the Bank, refer CASA Within the Bank.
      Bank Code Select the bank code in which you have the CASA account.
      Account Number Specify the CASA account number which is present in the outside bank.
      Account Name Specify the name of the CASA account holder.
  5. Click Submit.
    The screen is successfully submitted for authorization.