5.1 Tasks

This tab displays summary of all the tasks assigned to you. You can search for the tasks with specific search criteria and work on tasks that need to be completed on priority. For example, you can search for tasks that are about to expire and work on the same.

You can also navigate to the Case Summary page to view details of the case associated with the task.

Table 5-1 Field Description: Tasks

Field Name Description
Filter This section helps you to filter the task list based on specific search criteria.
Follow-up Date (Until) Indicates when is the follow-up date of task.
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Next 3 Days
  • Next 7 Days
Task Type Indicates the task type.

Note: You can select multiple task types.

Escalation Date Indicates the start and end date of the period in which the escalation date of the task exists. This is the date when task will be escalated by the system.
Expiration Date Indicates the start and end date of the period in which the expiry date of the task exists. This is the date when task will expire.
User Name Indicates user name of the collector or logged-in supervisor to whom the task is assigned.

Note: For supervisor role, this list displays user name of the supervisor, and user name of all collectors under the supervisor. You can select multiple user names.

For collector role, this field is not enabled and displays user name of the logged-in collector by default.

Flag Indicates flag of the tasks that you want to search.
The options are:
  • All
  • Green
  • Amber
  • Red
Segment Indicates the segment to which the account belongs for which the task is created.

Note: You can select multiple segments.

Escalated Toggle to indicate whether you want to search for tasks that are in Escalated status.
Customer ID Indicates the customer ID associated with the account. Once you select the customer ID, customer name is displayed.
Account Number Indicates the account number for which the task is created.
<Task List> This section displays the search results for tasks based on specified search parameters.
Task Displays the task name.

Click the task name link to update details of the task. For task type as Call, see Table 5-2.

Note: If ad hoc is displayed before a task name, it indicates that it is an ad hoc task.

Status Displays status of the task.
Account Number Displays the account number for which the task is created.

If you click information, Account Details section is displayed.

Customer Displays name of the primary customer associated with the account number.
Follow-up Date Displays the follow-up date of the task.
Escalation Displays the escalation date of the task.
Expiration Displays the expiry date of the task.
User Assigned Displays the user name of the collector to whom the task is assigned.
Actions Indicates the actions that can be performed.
The options are:
  • flag: Click to flag the task.
  • navigate to case summary: Click to navigate to Case Summary page. If you navigate to Case Summary page from here, account number associated with the corresponding task is in context.
You can also unflag a task using the delete option.
Account Details This section is displayed if you click information corresponding to an account number in the Account Number column.
Product Type Displays the product type.
Overdue Displays the overdue amount on the account.
DPD Displays the days past due on the account.
Segment Displays the segment to which the account belongs.

Table 5-2 Field Description: <Call Details>

Field Name Description
Action Indicates the action related to the task. The list displays all actions that are mapped with the strategy in segment.
Result Indicates the result for the selected action. The list displays all the results configured for the selected action.
New Collection Status Displays the new collection status that is applied on the account based on the selected action and result combination. It also displays the existing collection status that is closed on the account, if applicable.
Apply new status to all accounts Toggle to indicate whether the new collection status should be applied on all the accounts linked to the case.
Existing Collection Status Indicates the existing collection status.

Note: The list displays all the existing collection statuses applied on the account till date. If you select the action associated with any of the existing collection status, you need to select the existing collection status itself. Otherwise, select the None option.

Task Status Indicates the next status of the task.

Note: The list displays all the statuses to which the task can move from the current status. If the current status of the task is Escalated, you can move the task to any status maintained in the workflow of task.

Follow-up Date Indicates the next follow-up date of the task.

Note: The date should be later than or equal to the business date.

Apply date to all initiated tasks Toggle to indicate whether the follow-up date should be applied to all the initiated tasks within the same strategy.
Notes Indicates notes related to the task.