2.2.8 Financial Details

This topic provides the systematic instructions to capture the financial details of a single customer or multiple customers in case of joint applicants.

Financial details are captured for applicants or guarantor that are involved in loan account opening application. You can capture basic as well as income and expenses details in respective sections. The financial template are resolved based on the configuration.

This data segment is mandatory if below condition are opt:
  • The Capture Financial Details toggle is selected in the Business Product Preference data segment while configuring a business product.
  • The business product is allowed to opt overdraft.

To add financial details:

  1. Click Next in previous data segment to proceed with the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data.
    The Financial Details screen displays.

    Figure 2-11 Financial Details - Individual

  2. Specify the details in the relevant data fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 2-15 Financial Details: Individual – Field Description

    Field Description
    <Applicant Name along with Role of applicant> Displays the applicant name along with applicant role as captured in the Customer Information data segment.
    Total Income Displays the total income and the currency of the applicant.
    Total Expenses Displays the total expenses and the currency of the applicant.
    Last Update On

    Displays the date on which the financial details of an existing applicant were last updated.

    For a new applicant, it will remain blank.

    Employment Details In this section user can capture employment details of the parties that are involved in an account opening application.

    In this section user can capture salaried employment details.

    The below fields appears if salaried employment details are already captured.

    • Employer Code
    • Employer Name
    • Employer Description
    • From Date
    • To Date

    User can edit, view or delete already added details.

    Click Add to capture the new salaried employment details. The Salaried Details pop-up appears.

    Employer Code

    Specify the employer code.


    Click to search the employer code. The pop-up appears to fetch the employer code. Specify Employer Code or Employer Name to fetch the details.

    Employee Name Displays the employee name.
    Employer Description Specify the employer description.
    Organization Category

    Select the organization type from the drop-down list. Available options are:

    • Government
    • NGO
    • Private Limited

    Select the demographics from the drop-down list. Available options are:

    • Global
    • Domestic

    Click Edit to modify the existing applicant details.

    Click Save to save the modified details and click Cancel to cancel the modifications.

    Edit will be visible only for existing applicant.

    Employee Type

    Select the employee type from the drop-down list. Available options are:

    • Full Time
    • Part Time
    • Contract
    • Permanent
    Employee ID Specify the employee ID.
    Grade Specify the grade.
    Designation Specify the designation.
    I currently work in this role

    Select whether the applicant works currently in this role.

    Available options are:

    • Yes
    • No
    Employment Start Date Select the employment start date.
    Employment End Date Select the employment end date.
    Industry Type

    Select the Industry Type from the drop-down list. Available options are:

    • IT
    • Bank
    • Services
    • Manufacturing
    • Legal
    • Medical
    • Engineering
    • School/College
    • Others
    Self Employed / Professional Details

    In this section user can capture self-employment or professional details of customer.

    Below fields appears if self-employment or professional details are already captured.

    • Professional Name
    • Professional Description
    • From Date
    • To Date

    User can edit, view or delete already added details.

    Click Add to capture the new self-employment or professional details. The Self Employed/ Professional Details pop-up appears.

    Professional Name Specify the professional name.
    Professional Description Displays the professional description.
    Company /Firm Name Specify the company or firm name.
    Registration Number Specify the registration number.
    Start Date Specify or select the start date of company.
    End Date Specify or select the end date of company.
    Professional Email ID Specify the professional email ID.
    Financial Details In this section you can add financial details.
    Monthly Income

    Specify the amount for any of the applicable monthly expenses in the below fields.

    • Salary
    • Agriculture
    • Business
    • Investment Income
    • Interest Amount
    • Pension
    • Bonus
    • Rentals
    • Cash Gifts
    • Other Income

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.

    Monthly Expenses

    Specify the amount for any of the applicable monthly expenses in the below fields.

    • Household
    • Medical
    • Education
    • Vehicle
    • Fuel
    • Rentals
    • Other Expenses
    • Loan Payments
    • Utility Payments
    • Insurance Payments
    • Credit Card Payments

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.

    Net Income System automatically displays the total income over expenses.

    Specify the amount for any of the applicable liabilities in the below fields.

    • Property Loan
    • Vehicle Loans
    • Personal Loans
    • Credit Card outstanding
    • Overdrafts
    • Other Liability
    • Home Loan
    • Education Loan

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.


    Specify the amount for any of the applicable asset type in the below fields.

    • House
    • Deposit
    • Vehicle
    • Other

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.

Financial Details - SMB

Figure 2-12 Financial Details - Small and Medium Business

  1. Click Add Financial Ratios to update the profit and financial ratios of the business. The user will have the option to capture the relevant data for various financial years.

    The Profit and Financial Ratios screen displays

    Figure 2-13 Profit and Financial Ratios

  2. Specify the details in the relevant data fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 2-16 Financial Details: SMB – Field Description

    Field Description
    <Applicant Name along with Role of applicant> Displays the applicant name along with applicant role as captured in the Customer Information data segment.
    Total Income Displays the total income and the currency of the applicant.
    Total Expenses Displays the total expenses and the currency of the applicant.
    Financial Details In this section you can capture the financial details of SMB type of customer.
    Monthly Income

    Specify the amount for any of the applicable monthly expenses in the below fields.

    • Salary
    • Agriculture
    • Business
    • Investment Income
    • Interest Amount
    • Pension
    • Bonus
    • Rentals
    • Cash Gifts
    • Other Income

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.

    Monthly Expenses

    Specify the amount for any of the applicable monthly expenses in the below fields.

    • Household
    • Medical
    • Education
    • Vehicle
    • Fuel
    • Rentals
    • Other Expenses
    • Loan Payments
    • Utility Payments
    • Insurance Payments
    • Credit Card Payments

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.

    Net Income System automatically displays the total income over expenses.

    Specify the amount for any of the applicable liabilities in the below fields.

    • Property Loan
    • Vehicle Loans
    • Personal Loans
    • Credit Card outstanding
    • Overdrafts
    • Other Liability
    • Home Loan
    • Education Loan

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.


    Specify the amount for any of the applicable asset type in the below fields.

    • House
    • Deposit
    • Vehicle
    • Other

    Total gets calculated automatically.

    The fields appears in this sections are based on the configuration.

    Profit and Financial Ratios This field appears only if the Customer Type is selected as Small and Medium Business (SMB).
    Financial Year Select the Financial Year from the dropdown list.
    Currency Click Search icon and select the currency from the available list.
    Balance Sheet Size Specify the balance sheet size.
    Operating Profit Specify the operating profit of the business.
    Net Profit Specify the net profit of the business.
    Year Over Year Growth Specify the growth of the business year on year.
    Return On Investment Specify the return on investments.
    Return On Equity Specify the return on equity.
    Return On Asset Specify the return on asset.
  3. Click Next. The system validates the date specified in Last Update On with Financial Details Validity Period and, if date specified in Last Update On exceeds the date specified in Financial Details Validity Period at Business Product Preferences configurations, the system displays the following error message:
  4. Click Yes to reatin the existing financial details and proceed with the next data segment.
    Click No to edit financial details and proceed.