4.2 Segment Performance

You can view the individual segment dashboard as follows:

  1. Click on the individual segment <APAC_MR> at the top of the dashboard to view the individual segment dashboard. The following window is displayed.
  2. The segment dashboard contains the following:
    • Scenario Performance: The scenario performance metric measures the level of resistance provided by scenarios against an intelligent adversarial agent. A high value of the performance metric indicates significant resistance offered by the scenario, which alerts on any attempts to move money through your institution by the agent. Based on performance, the scenarios are bucketed into three categories as follows:
      • Gold: The scenarios in the top third in terms of performance are in the Gold category.
      • Silver: The scenarios in the middle third in terms of performance are in the Silver category.
      • Bronze: The scenarios in the bottom third in terms of performance are in the Bronze category.Tuning one of the low performing scenarios in the Bronze category is one way to improve performance of the segment.
    • Account Transfers Visualization: This option allows you to visualize the episodes generated by the agent to evade an institution’s TMS. This will allow institutions to understand the nature of these patterns and determine if they present a material risk to the institution.

      Figure 4-10 Account Transfers Visualization

    • Account Vulnerability: The account vulnerability metric identifies the account types most susceptible to exploitation by an intelligent agent to transact money through your financial system. A high value for this metric indicates that the agent prefers this specific account type while moving money through your institution.
    • Channel Vulnerability: The channel vulnerability metric identifies the channels most susceptible to exploitation by an intelligent agent to transact money through your financial system. A high value for this metric indicates that the channel is the preferred instrument the agent uses to move money through your institution. Tuning scenarios and implementing controls that monitor this specific channel is recommended to address any shortcomings in your transaction monitoring system.
    • System Experiment: Experiments to assess the performance of the TMS holistically for the chosen segment.
    • Typology: Experiment to show how well the system performs against specific typologies.
    For more information about Recommendations to increase segment strength, see the Generating Experiment from Recommendation section.
  3. For more information on these metrics, see the Understanding the OFSCA Metrics section.