Execute a Notebook

The Execute icon on Pipeline Canvas allows us to execute the notebook.

The following link types are available in the Pipeline Designer:

  • Default
  • Scoring
  • Training
  • Experimentation


When a model gets published from Model summary page, the Link types configured in Pipeline Designer are set to Default link type.

To execute the notebook:

  1. Click Execute to view Execute Pipeline window.

    Figure 8-71 Execute Pipeline

    This image displays the Execute Pipeline.

  2. Execution parameters are the parameters defined in the notebook required for execution. Select the flow, which you want to execute Scoring, Training, and Experimentation. It displays all the keys defined for all the paragraphs in the notebook with a placeholder for providing the values.
  3. Enter the execution Key and Value.

    You can also use Runtime parameters for execution. This runtime parameter must be defined in Notebook. If this is defined, you can enter execution value during the process execution.

    For more information, see Create Paragraphs in Model Studio Notebooks section.

    The System Parameters window also shows the execution ID, execution Date, and execution Batch. These are required for executing all the paragraphs along with other parameters. It also shows from where the parameter comes from as a subscript.

    • Parameter Sets: These are the set of parameters with a specific value required for an instance of execution. It consists Key and Value. You can save the parameters set that can be used for one execution instance and reuse it for the next execution. It consists of parameters with a specific value to each parameter. Parameters containing no value will not be taken. Each set is identified with a unique code for each objective. While saving the parameter, you have to provide a code for identifying the name and description which is not mandatory.

      You can save Key Value parameter set using the Save Parameter Set option. To Save Parameter Set, enter the Threshold Value and Description in the Parameter Set window.

    • Selecting Parameter Set: These saved Parameter Set can be selected during the execution. It will replace the values of the parameters from the chosen Parameter Set.

      To select the Parameter Set, follow these steps:

      • Click “Open from saved Parameter Set". The Threshold Code window is displayed.
      • Select the Parameter Set from the available list. You can select multiple Parameter Set in the same execution instance. In that case, if there are any common keys, value will be replaced with that from the latest Parameter Set selected.
  4. You can add new parameters using Save parameter set option.


    If the parameter is not defined in the notebook, it will not be used for the execution. In case of multi select, if there are common parameters among the chosen scenarios, it will take the value based on the order of selection. that is first chosen scenario parameter will be taken.
  5. But if open from saved Parameter Set again (not on single go), then already added will get replaced by the newly added (same as what existed).
  6. Execution is performed based on selected link types. It filters out all the not required/unused parameters. And all the unused parameters for the current execution are displayed with a warning. To view the only required parameters, click Show only requiredlink.
  7. Click Resetto reset the entered data.
  8. Click Delete to delete the entered Key and Value.
    For example, refer to below figure.

    Figure 8-72 Example of Pipeline Canvas

    This image displays an Example of Pipeline Canvas.

    • Here, if you want to execute this Notebook for scoring purpose, then the flow will be executed till Test 2. To perform this, Click Execute Notebook and select Links as Scoring.

      Figure 8-73 Execute Pipeline

      This image displays the Execute Pipeline.

    • Similarly, if you want to execute this Notebook for training purpose, then the flow will be executed till dataset with default paragraphs. To perform this, Click Execute Notebook and select Links as Training.