Define Pre-Case Decision

Step 4: Define Pre-Case Decision Thresholds

Correlations are promoted to cases based on decision rules which run on the pre-case score calculated earlier. Use the Pre-Case Decision widget to define threshold values. If the pre-case score crosses the configured threshold values, the correlation is promoted to case.

To define threshold values, follow these steps:

  1. Hover on the Pre-case Decision widget Pre-Case Decision widget and click Edit Edit icon . The Pre Case Decision window is displayed.
  2. Provide the details as described in the following table:

    Table 6-7 Fields to Define Pre-Case Decisions

    Field Description
    Case Type Select the case type from Case Type drop-down list. For example: AML_SURV and so on.
    Jurisdiction Select a Jurisdiction.
    Threshold Score Enter the threshold score. If pre-case score exceeds the threshold score, then it gets promoted to case.
  3. Click SaveSave icon from the Add Rule section.
  4. Click Save againSave icon from the top-corner of the window to save the changes. After defining the rule, the Scoring page is displayed.
    • Click Edit Edit icon to edit the rule.
    • Click Delete Delete icon to delete the rule.