This algorithm is invoked when the status of the pay instruction is changed to Canceled. It cancels the reconciliation adjustments which are created while reconciling the pay instruction. It cancels the reconciliation adjustment irrespective of whether the status of the pay instruction is Open or Completed.

It contains the following parameters:

  • Adjustment Cancel Reason – Used to indicate the reason that you want to use when the reconciliation adjustments are canceled.

  • Pay Instruction Completed Status – Used to specify the status code to which the pay instruction is transitioned when it is fully reconciled.

  • Pay Instruction Open Status – Used to specify the status code to which the pay instruction is transitioned when it is not fully reconciled.

  • Reconciliation Completed Status – Used to specify the status code to which the reconciliation is transitioned when all its pay instructions are fully reconciled.

  • Reconciliation Open Status – Used to specify the status code to which the reconciliation is transitioned when its pay instruction is not fully reconciled.

All these parameters are mandatory.