Inbound Message

The Inbound Message zone displays the details of the inbound message. It contains the following sections:

  • Main – Displays basic information about the inbound message. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Inbound Message Information Displays information about the inbound message.
    Status Indicates the status of the inbound message. The valid values are:
    • Pending

    • Processed

    • Rejected

    • Voided

    Inbound Message Type Indicates the inbound message type using which the inbound message is created.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Inbound Message Type screen appears where you can view the details of the respective inbound message type.
    Source System Indicates the external source system from where the inbound message is received.
    External Transaction ID Indicates the transaction in the external source system which resulted in the inbound message.
    External Batch ID Indicates the external batch job through which the inbound message is created.
    External Source ID Displays the external source system ID.
    Person Indicates the person specified in the inbound message.

    It has a link. On clicking the link, the Person screen appears where you can view the details of the respective person.

    This field appears when the Person Details option is selected from the Search By list in the Search Inbound Message zone.

  • Characteristics – Lists the characteristics defined for the inbound message. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Effective Date Displays the date from when the characteristic is effective for the inbound message.
    Characteristic Type Indicates the characteristic type.
    Characteristic Value Displays the value of the characteristic type.
  • Record Actions – This section contains the following buttons:

    Button Name Button Description
    Edit Used to define, edit, or remove characteristics of the inbound message.
    Note: The Edit button appears when the inbound message is in the Pending or Rejected status.
    Delete Used to delete the inbound message.
    Note: The Delete button appears when the inbound message is in the Pending status.
    Submit for Processing Used to submit the inbound message for validation and processing.
    Note: The Submit for Processing button appears only when the inbound message is in the Pending status.
    Retry Used when you want to change the status of the inbound message from Rejected to Pending so that the inbound message can be considered once again for validation and processing.
    Note: The Retry button appears when the inbound message is in the Rejected status.
    Void Used to cancel the inbound message.
    Note: The Void button appears when the inbound message is in the Rejected status.
  • Record Information – This section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Business Object Indicates the business object using which the inbound message is created. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Business Object screen appears where you can view the details of the respective business object.
    Status Date/Time Displays the date and time when the status of the inbound message is updated.
    Create Date/Time Displays the date and time when the inbound message is created.

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