Price Item Eligibility

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to define eligibility rule type for a price item in a pricing rule type. If the eligibility rule type is defined of a price item, the system checks whether the price item is eligible for billing when the pricing rule type is called during the Validate Transaction and Derive Price Item (C1-TXNIP) batch execution. The system searches for all rules which are created using the respective rule type and then executes them one by one in the specified priority until the following conditions are met in a rule:

  • The eligibility criteria defined in the rule is satisfied.

  • The satisfied rule returns the output parameter and its value as specified in the Rule Based Price Item Eligibility Field and Rule Based Eligibility Value fields, respectively, of the pricing rule type.

  • The Rule True Action field in the satisfied rule returns Success.

Note: At present, the system considers all rules created using the respective rule type irrespective of whether it is effective on the transaction date or not.

If all the above conditions are met, the system searches for an effective pricing rule for the respective price item. If none of the rules created using the rule type are satisfied, the system does not map the transaction to the price item. Let us understand this with the help of an example. If the claim transaction is received with the following details:

  • UDF_​CHAR_​1 is set to Western

  • UDF_​CHAR_​20 is set to Employee

  • UDF_​DATE_​1 is set to 05-03-2018

  • Transaction Record Type is set to TR1

The following table illustrates how the eligibility rules can be defined for a price item in a pricing rule type:
Transaction Record Type Primary Pricing Rule Type Price Item Eligibility Rule Type Rule Rule’s Effective Start Date Rule’s Effective End Date Priority Rule Criteria Output Parameter Output Parameter Value
TR1 CLAIM P1 RT1 R1 01-01-2018 31-03-2018 1 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Western UDF_​CHAR_​20 Director
R2 01-01-2018 31-03-2018 2 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Western UDF_​CHAR_​20 Employee
R3 01-04-2018 30-06-2018 3 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Western UDF_​CHAR_​20 Employee
R4 01-07-2018 31-12-2018 4 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Western UDF_​CHAR_​20 Director
P2 RT2 R5 01-01-2018 31-03-2018 1 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Western UDF_​CHAR_​20 Director
R6 01-01-2018 31-03-2018 2 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Eastern UDF_​CHAR_​20 Employee
R7 01-04-2018 31-12-2018 3 UDF_​CHAR_​1 = Western UDF_​CHAR_​20 Employee
Note: Here, the paid date is mapped to the UDF_​DATE_​1 field in the CLAIM pricing rule type. In addition, the Rule Based Related Pricing Rule Type Eligibility Field field is set to UDF_​CHAR_​20 and the Rule Based Eligibility Value field is set to Employee in the CLAIM pricing rule type.

Example 1: Price Item Eligibility Rules

In the example 1, the rules which are created using the RT1 rule type are invoked for P1 in the specified priority. The claim transaction meets the eligibility criteria defined in the R1 rule. But, the output parameter’s value specified in the R1 rule does not match the value specified in the Rule Based Eligibility Value field. Therefore, the system executes the rule with the next priority (i.e. R2). The claim transaction meets the eligibility criteria defined in the R2 rule. In addition, the output parameter and its value specified in the R2 rule match the values specified in the Rule Based Price Item Eligibility Field and Rule Based Eligibility Value fields, respectively. Therefore, the system considers P1 for billing and maps the claim transaction to P1 if an effective pricing rule, account, and active contract are available for P1.

Similarly, the rules which are created using the RT2 rule type are invoked for P2 in the specified priority. The claim transaction meets the eligibility criteria defined in the R5 rule. But, the output parameter’s value specified in the R5 rule does not match the value specified in the Rule Based Eligibility Value field. Therefore, the system executes the rule with the next priority (i.e. R6). Here, the claim transaction does not meet the eligibility criteria defined in the R6 rule. The system then executes the rule with the next priority (i.e. R7). The claim transaction meets the eligibility criteria defined in the R7 rule. In addition, the output parameter and its value specified in the R7 rule match the values specified in the Rule Based Price Item Eligibility Field and Rule Based Eligibility Value fields, respectively. Therefore, the system considers P2 for billing and maps the claim transaction to P2 if an effective pricing rule, account, and active contract are available for P2.