Self-Funded Policy Renewal

You can renew a self-funded policy which is associated with a bill group. However, note that you can renew a self-funded policy only when it is in the In Force/Active status and which is not yet renewed. You can renew a self-funded policy only from the user interface and not through a health care inbound message.

On renewing a self-funded policy, a new policy is created in the Pending status. The renewal date is stamped in the base policy. The information from the base policy is copied to the renewed policy. The start date of the renewed policy is set to the base policy’s end date plus one day. For example, if the base policy’s end date is 12-31-2018, then by default, the renewed policy’s start date is set to 01-01-2019.

While renewing a self-funded policy, you cannot disassociate persons (from the renewed policy) who are associated with the base policy using a policy person role which is specified in the Bill Group Policy Person Role or Parent Customer Policy Person Role option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

While renewing a self-funded policy, the system enables you to copy the following pricing rules of the base policy and thereby create new pricing rules for the renewed policy:

  • Claim

  • Retention Type Claim Based

  • Retention Type Enrollment Based

  • Recurring Flat Fees

  • Ancillary

While copying a pricing rule, the start and end dates of the new pricing rule are set to the renewed policy’s start and end dates, respectively. If there are multiple pricing rules which are created using the same pricing rule type and are effective for the different date range, the system copies only one pricing rule from the base policy with the latest date range.

Once a policy is renewed, you cannot edit the base policy’s end date or manually change the status of the base policy to Runout. The system automatically changes the status of the base policy to Runout when the status of the latest renewed policy is changed to Runout.