Assigning A To Do Role

As described in To Do Entries Reference A Role, each To Do entry requires a role. To Do entries created in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing may attempt to assign a role based on an account management group or division if it is applicable to the type of data related to the To Do entry.

As described in The Big Picture of To Do Lists, users are informed that something requires their attention by entries that appear in a To Do List.

You can optionally use account management groups (AMG) to define the respective role to be assigned to To Do entries that are associated with an account and To Do type. For example, you can create an AMG called Credit Risks and assign this to accounts with suspect credit. Then, whenever an account-oriented To Do entry is created for such an account, it will be assigned a role based on the Credit Risks AMG. Refer to Setting Up Account Management Groups for more information.

By assigning an AMG to an account, you are telling the system to address this account's To Do list entries to the roles defined on the AMG (note, each To Do type can have a different role defined for it on an AMG).

You can optionally use division to define the respective role to be assigned to To Do entries that are associated with an account and To Do type. For example, you may have a division called California Operations and assign this to accounts located in California. Then, whenever an account-oriented To Do entry is created for such an account, it will be assigned a role based on the California Operations division. Refer to Setting Up Divisions for more information.

A To Do Pre-Creation installation options plug-in is provided to determine the appropriate To Do Role for an account based on AMG and division setup. If plugged in, the logic to determine To Do role for an account is performed whenever a To Do entry is created. Refer to C1-TDCR-DFRL for further details on how this plug-in works.

Fastpath: Refer to To Do Entries Reference A Role for the details of how an initial role is assigned to To Do entries.