Algorithms to Create Membership via Order

The base product provides two algorithm types to support the creation of a membership record via the order page: a validation algorithm type and a posting algorithm type.

Validate Membership Information

This algorithm is a column reference validation algorithm that checks that an input membership type is valid. Refer to CRVL-ME for more information. You must define an appropriate algorithm for this algorithm type, and on that algorithm you must define the column reference used to identify the membership type. For example:

  • Algorithm: VAL MEM TYPE
  • Description: Validate SC Membership Type
  • Algorithm Type: CRVL-ME
  • Parameter1: (Column Reference for Membership Type): SCM-TYPE

Post Membership Information

This algorithm is a column reference posting algorithm that creates a membership using the membership type indicated by the user. Refer to CRPS-ME for more information. You must define an appropriate algorithm for this algorithm type, and on that algorithm you must define the column reference used to identify the membership type. For example:

  • Algorithm: CREATE MEMBRSHP
  • Description: Validate SC Membership Type
  • Algorithm Type: CRPS-ME
  • Parameter1: (Column Reference for Membership Type): SCM-TYPE
  • Parameter2: (Service Credit Membership Status): 10-Pending or 20-Active. Refer to Lifecycle of a Membership for more information.
  • Parameters3-4: (Division, Contract Type): Indicate the information needed to create an contract for miscellaneous transactions.
Note: This algorithm first looks for an existing contract of this division / contract type linked to the membership's accounts. If one exists, it uses that contract to link to the membership. If an contract does not exist, it creates one with the input division and contract type.
Note: Update the Column Reference. Now that you have defined the validation and posting algorithms, return to your column reference for membership type and define the algorithms there.

Although your company may support multiple types of memberships, this column reference and its algorithms have been designed such that only one column reference for membership type would be needed to set up any type of membership. Although the posting algorithm for the membership type column reference indicates an contract type to use for miscellaneous transactions, a contract is only created and linked if your membership type indicates that an contract is required. As a result, you may use the same column reference for both memberships that require an contract and those that don't require an contract. However, if you have different membership types that require an contract and each uses a different contract type for the membership contract, you need to define more than one posting algorithm and, as a result, more than one column reference.