Column References for Additional Person

In order to ask the customer service representative to link an additional person for the account, you must define several column references to use as questions/miscellaneous fields.

  • We should assume that the person may already exist in the database. As a result, a question to record the person ID is needed.
  • If the person does not already exist, the user should capture the person's name, an ID type and an ID number. Questions for these three fields are needed. The system uses this information to create a new person.
  • Whether we are using an existing person or creating a new one, the person's link to the account must include an account relationship type. A question to record the account relationship type is needed.

Add a new column reference for person ID:

  • Column Reference: PERSON-ID
  • Description: Person ID
  • FK Reference: PER
  • Long Description: Person ID of the additional person to link to the order's account.

Add a new column reference for person name:

  • Column Reference: PERSON-NAME
  • Description: Person Name
  • FK Reference: not applicable
  • Long Description: Name of a new person to create.

Add a new column reference for identifier type:

  • Column Reference: PER-ID-TYPE
  • Description: Identifier Type
  • FK Reference: ID TYPE
  • Long Description: Identifier type for the primary ID of the additional person to link to the order's account.

Add a new column reference for identifier number:

  • Column Reference: PER-ID-NUM
  • Description: Person ID Number
  • FK Reference: not applicable
  • Long Description: Identifier number for the primary ID of the additional person to link to the order's account.

Add a new column reference for account relationship type:

  • Column Reference: ACCT-REL-TYPE
  • Description: Account Relationship Type
  • FK Reference: ACCT REL
  • Long Description: Relationship type to use for the link between the additional person and the order's account.
Note: Column Reference Algorithms. One of the column references above must indicate a validation algorithm and a posting algorithm. However, we have not defined them yet so for now simply save this information. We recommend using the account relationship type record because that is used for all additional persons.