Design a Campaign to Include Linking an Additional Person

Any campaign related to a specific account may include the questions and miscellaneous fields defined here to create/link an additional person to the account.

Simply create entries in the questions and miscellaneous fields collection to prompt the user to ask for the required information. A question should exist for each column reference created above.

The following table illustrates how you can setup a campaign to link an additional person to an account:
Seq Description Prompt on Order Column Reference Dependency
10 Account relationship type for additional person. If you would like to link another person to this account, please enter an account relationship type. ACCT-REL-TYPE Must have account
20 Person ID for additional person If the additional person already exists in the database, enter the person id. PERSON-ID Must have account
30 Person name for additional person If you would like to create a new person, please enter the person name. PERSON-NAME Must have account
40 ID type for additional person Please enter the ID type of the new person. PER-ID-TYPE Must have account
50 ID Number for additional person Please enter the ID number of the additional person. PER-ID-NUM Must have account