Overpayments On Loans

You can determine whether you want to accept loan overpayments. Overpayments reduce the principal amount (the amount owed on the loan), which follows the philosophy adopted by a typical home loan.

When the payment is made, any overpayments are distributed according to the overpayment distribution algorithm defined for the customer class. Any customer classes for which you want to allow loan overpayments should use an overpayment distribution algorithm that keeps the overpayment on the loan contract.

When the payment transaction is frozen, the system checks to see if there is a credit amount on the loan contract's current balance. If a credit exists, the customer has made an overpayment and an adjustment is created to zero out the current balance and transfer the amount of the credit from the contract's short-term receivable to long-term receivable. The adjustment may appear on the customer's next bill to show the additional amount paid against the principal.

The algorithm that controls this adjustment to remove the credit on current balance is plugged in on the loan contract's contract type and is applied on the Contract Type - Payment Freeze system event.

The 3 rd and 4 th entries in the below table illustrate an overpayment (note, the first two financial transactions were described above).

The following table illustrates the financial transactions which are created in the respective event:
Event GL Accounting Effect On Current Balance Effect On Payoff Balance Current Balance Payoff Balance
Loan contract is activated

Long Term Loan Receivable 10000

Cash <10000>

0 10,000 0


long-term: 10,000

First bill segment is produced


Long Term Loan Receivable 41.66

Interest Revenue <41.66>

Transfer Long Term To Short Term:

Short Term Loan Receivable 438.71

Long Term Loan Receivable <438.71>

438.71 41.66 438.71


short-term: 438.71

long-term: 9,602.95

Payment is made (with an overpay-ment of 200.00)

Affect Cash

Cash 638.71

Long Term Loan Receivable <638.71>

Transfer Long Term To Short Term:

Long Term Loan Receivable 638.71

Short Term Loan Receivable <638.71>

-638.71 -638.71 -200.00


short-term: <200.00>

long-term: 9,602.95

Create adjustment to remove contract type's credit.

Transfer Short Term Credit to Long Term:

Short Term Loan Receivable 200.00

Long Term Loan Receivable <200.00>

200.00 0 0


short-term: 0

long-term: 9,402.95

In the 3 rd financial transaction illustrated above, the billed amount of the payment works essentially the same as that illustrated under Paying What Is Owed. If the Keep Overpayment on Loan Contract algorithm is plugged in on the overpayment distribution event on the customer class, the overpayment amount is applied to the loan contract type, creating a credit on the contract type's current balance. The following explains how this algorithm works:

  • If the account has an loan contract type and there is an excess credit, the credit is applied to the loan contract type (as long as this does not cause the loan contract type to have a credit payoff balance).
  • If there is not a loan contract type to which the credit can be applied, the algorithm checks to see if there is an open excess credit contract type for the account.
    • If so, the excess credit amount is applied to the excess credit contract type.
    • If not, the algorithm creates an excess credit contract type and applies the amount to this contract type.

The 4 th financial transaction illustrated above is created if the Create Adjustment to Remove Contract's Credit algorithm is plugged in on the loan's contract type's payment freeze event. The following explains how this algorithm works:

  • If the contract's current balance is less than zero, the algorithm creates a frozen adjustment that removes the credit by transferring the credit from the short-term receivable to the long-term receivable.
  • The contract's current balance increases by the amount of the credit transfer. In other words, the customer thinks they owe 0 after the transfer.
  • The contract's payoff balance doesn't change because the payoff balance is always the net of the short-term and long-term receivables. In other words, if the customer wanted to payoff their loan, they'd still owe 9,402.95.
Note: Overpayments and interest. The base package interest calculation algorithm (plugged in on the loan's contract type) does not take into consideration the exact date that the overpayment is made when calculating the interest for the period. It only takes into consideration the outstanding principal amount (payoff balance - current balance) at the time of the interest calculation.