Writing Off Loans

Loans are written off using the standard write-off processing.

Fastpath: Refer to The Big Picture Of Write Off Processing for background information.

We illustrate the classic financial transactions that transpire to financially write-off a loan to help illustrate important points (these are the 4 th and 5 th entries in the below table):

The following table illustrates the financial transactions which are created in the respective event:
Event GL Accounting Effect On Current Balance Effect On Payoff Balance Current Balance Payoff Balance
Loan contract is activated

Long Term Loan Receivable 1000

Cash <1000>

0 10,000 0


long-term: 10,000

First bill segment is produced


Long Term Loan Receivable 41.66

Interest Revenue <41.66>

Transfer Long Term To Short Term:

Short Term Loan Receivable 438.71

Long Term Loan Receivable <438.71>

438.71 41.66 438.71


short-term: 438.71

long-term: 9,602.95

Payment is made (with an overpay-ment of 200.00)

Affect Cash

Cash 638.71

Long Term Loan Receivable <638.71>

Transfer Long Term To Short Term:

Long Term Loan Receivable 638.71

Short Term Loan Receivable <638.71>

-638.71 -638.71 -200.00


short-term: <200.00>

long-term: 9,602.95

Create adjustment to remove contract's credit.

Transfer Short Term Credit to Long Term:

Short Term Loan Receivable 200.00

Long Term Loan Receivable <200.00>

200.00 0 0


short-term: 0

long-term: 9,402.95

Sync up current with payoff balance

Transfer Long Term To Short Term:

Short Term Loan Receivable 9,402.95

Long Term Loan Receivable <9,402.95>

9,402.95 0 9,402.95


short-term: 9,402.95

long-term: 0

Transfer balance to a write-off contract

Transfer From Loan Contract:

Write Off Xfer Clearing 9,402.95

Long Term Loan Receivable <9,402.95>

Long Term Loan Receivable 9,402.95

Short Term Loan Receivable <9,402.95>

Transfer To Write Off Contract:

Bad Loans Expense 9,402.95

Write Off Xfer Clearing <9,402.95>

Note, these will cause a balance of 9,402.55 to exist on the write-off contract.

-9,402.95 -9,402.95 0 0

The only unusual portion of the last two financial transactions is the impact on short and long term receivables. Please see the examples above under Billing For Loans And Interest Calculation and Paying What Is Owed to understand how any impact to a loan's current balance causes this type of financial transfer to occur.