Access Rights

You can take advantage of the system's security to restrict cases of a given type to certain users. For example, you can restrict high-bill complaints to specific user groups.

The following points describe how to implement this type of security:

  • Create an application service for each type of case you need to secure.
  • Define the access modes Add, Inquire and Change for each application service.
  • Define the applicable application service on each case type.
  • Link the appropriate user groups to each application service.
    • For user groups that are allowed to add cases of a given type, define Add as a valid access mode.
    • For user groups that are allowed to view cases of a given type, define Inquire as a valid access mode
    • For user groups that are allowed to change cases of a given type, define Change as a valid access mode

If you restrict access to a case type's cases, you can further restrict which users can work on cases given the status of the case. Refer to Which Users Can Transition A Case for more information.

Note: Restricting access to cases is optional. If you don't specify an application service on a case type, all users (who have access to the case transaction) may access its cases.