Designing Workflow Processes To Support Outgoing Notifications

As described under How Are Notifications Sent Out Of The System? notifications are sent out via Notification Download Staging (NDS) records. NDS records are created by workflow events (i.e., the event's activation algorithm creates notification download records). There are two types of workflow processes that contain these types of workflow events:

  • Many workflow processes exist to process incoming notifications. These processes typically contain workflow events that create NDS records to communicate with service providers. If you look at the workflow processes described under Designing Workflow Process Templates, you will see many such examples.
  • When something noteworthy happens, the system may need to tell a third party about it. As described in System Conditions May Trigger Notification and Workflow, you may decide that the noteworthy condition should cause a workflow process to be created where one or more of the workflow events can create an NDS. The following table shows representative workflow process templates of this type.
Workflow Process Template Event Number Workflow Event Type Dependent On Event(s) Trigger Date Set To X Days After Completion Of Dependent Events
Stop service 10 Create notification download - inform all parties that customer is stopping service N/A - first event 0

After documenting these types of workflow process templates, follow the instructions under Designing Workflow Event Types to add any new types of events to the list.