Designing Workflow Process Templates

The following table shows the workflow process templates referenced in the previous section's matrix. Adjacent to each process is its events and an indication of when they are triggered.

Workflow Process Template Event Number Workflow Event Type Dependent On Event(s) Trigger Date Set To X Calendar Days After Completion Of Dependent Events
Retrieve a customer's consumption 10 Validate notification - consumption history request N/A - first event 0
20 Confirm requester is a valid service provider for the customer's service 10 0
30 Create notification download - send consumption history 20 0
Switch a customer to a different service supplier 10 Validate notification - supplier switch N/A - first event 0
20 Confirm requester is a valid service provider for the customer's service 10 0
30 Check with current supplier if the switch is allowed 20 0
40 Switch suppliers 30 0
Reject bad notification upload type 10 Create notification download - reject request N/A - first event 0
Reject bad external system 10 Create notification download - reject request N/A - first event 0
Note: The workflow process for "Reject bad notification upload type" should reference the Notification Condition Unknown Notification Type. The workflow process for "Reject bad external system" should reference the Notification Condition Unknown Notification ID.