Designing Workflow Processes To Deal With Invalid Sender or Notification Upload Type

The system needs to know the type of workflow process to create when a notification is uploaded that does not contain a valid External System or Notification Upload Type (these two fields are the ones that control the type of workflow process that's created to process the uploaded notification). When these conditions are detected by the notification upload process, most financial services create an outgoing notification rejecting the uploaded notification when such conditions transpire. We've shown these in the following table.

Notification Condition Workflow Process Events
Unknown Notification ID Create notification download - reject notification, bad external system
Unknown Notification (Upload) Type Create notification download - reject notification, bad notification upload type
Note: These processes are not in a workflow process profile. The above workflow process templates are not referenced in a workflow process profile. Rather, when you create these workflow process templates you label them with a Notification Condition of Unknown Notification ID or Unknown Notification Type. The notification upload process will then create workflow process when these events transpire.