Designing the Real Time Message XSL

During implementation, you will determine the information required to send to the external system. The real time message engine is passed all the data available in the page model as an XML document. The request XSL must be designed to map this data into a format expected by the target.

In addition, you should create two response XSLs to transform the message received from the target system.

  • One XSL is used for real time responses. The XSL transforms the message into a format understood by the page service user exit. Note that any updates to a system business object as a result of the response is the responsibility of the user exit that called the real time message engine.
  • One XSL is used for non-real time responses. In this case, if the response should update a system object, the response must trigger an XUS to update the system object. Therefore, the XSL must map the response into an XML request that reference the appropriate service to update the system object.