Near-Real Time Outgoing Messages

The following diagram illustrates the flow of near-real time messages:

The figure illustrates how the near-real time messages are created in the system.

The following points describe the diagram

  • When an event occurs in the system, you can initiate an outgoing message by storing a notification download staging (NDS) record. NDS records for outgoing messages have a special processing method flag of XAI.
Fastpath: Refer to System Conditions May Trigger Notification and Workflow for information about creating notification download staging records.
  • Once a message is stored on the NDS table, the download staging receiver reads it and invokes XAI to extract data from your product. An XAI inbound service is used to retrieve the full information for the object related to the message.
  • The download staging sender takes the response from the executer (the system object as XML) and continues the processing. It uses a request XSL on the route type to transform the message to a format expected by the target. It then sends the message to the target using the sender on the XAI route type.

The following diagram illustrates the process:

The figure illustrates how a message is transmitted to the target using the sender on the XAI route type.

The responsibilities of the download staging receiver and download staging sender are provided in detail below.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Notification and XAI