Download Staging Sender

This piece is somewhat confusing, because the download staging sender behaves differently than other senders. Sender are typically responsible for

  • Routing a request to an appropriate target
  • In the case of the upload staging sender and the staging control sender, the sender is responsible for updating the status of the appropriate table.

In the case of the download staging sender, it's responsible for processing the "response" to the XAI executer, whose task was to build the XML request.

  • If there is a problem executing the request, the download staging sender updates the NDS record in error and creates an NDS exception record.
  • If the executer was successful, the "response" is an XML request in a format understood by your product. The sender must perform the following steps to help process the outgoing message:
    • Transform the request to a format expected by the target system(s)
    • Route the outgoing message to the target
    • Create an XAI download staging record for each message sent out. (There is typically only one, but it is possible for the outgoing message to have multiple destinations.)

If any errors are found during any of these steps, the status of the NDS record is set to error and a record is written to the NDS exception table. If the error is related to routing the message, the XDS is created in error and a record is written to the XDS exception table.

Note: Routing Optional. It is possible that an NDS message does not require routing information. In this case the download staging sender simply updates the NDS record's status

The following sections provide further detail.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Near-Real Time Outgoing Messages