Multiple Message Destinations

If your message must be sent to more than one external system, a different XAI route type is required for each system that the message must be sent to so that the sender and XSLT for each external system can be defined.

The recommended procedure for sending a message to multiple destinations is to

  • Generate an NDS for each destination where each NDS defines the same NDS type but different service providers. In other words, the service provider represents the destination.
  • Each service provider references a notification download profile where the appropriate XAI route type is defined for each NDS type.
  • When this NDS record is processed, the sender information defined for the XAI route type is used to route the message appropriately and an XAI download staging (XDS) record is created.

Note that it is possible for the download profile's formatting method to reference more than one XAI route type. This is perhaps another configuration that could be used to send a message to multiple destinations. In this case an XDS record is created for each XAI route type to track the XML request. However, it is not possible to track asynchronous responses to multiple messages using this mechanism. Defining multiple route types for a download profile formatting method should only be done if you do not expect an asynchronous response.