Lifecycle of XAI Download Staging

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of an XAI download staging record.

The figure illustrates how an XDS record moves from one status to another in its lifecycle.

An XAI download staging record is created in one of the following ways:

  • When the download staging sender continues the processing for the outgoing message, it attempts to transform and route a message for each XAI route type indicated on the notification download profile. An XDS is created to record the message sent.
    • If the message was sent successfully, the XDS is created in complete status.
    • If an error occurred when sending the message, the XDS is created in error status and an XAI download exception is created.
  • When the system attempts to send a message real time but the external system is unavailable, the system may create a pending NDS and a pending XDS record.
  • A user may cancel a pending or error XDS record.

If you have resolved the error for an XAI download staging record, change the status of the related NDS record to retry. When MPL processes the NDS again, it deletes all XDS records in error and attempts to send them again.