Routing the Message

In addition to defining the appropriate XSL transformation scripts, the XAI route type also references a sender that tells the system how to route the message, for example it may be routed using a JMS queue.

If the target supports synchronous communication (for example, an HTTP sender), the route type may be configured to receive an acknowledgement. This indicates to the download staging sender to wait for a response from the sender on the route type.

The download staging sender creates an appropriate XDS record with the XML request document and with a status of complete or error based on the results of the communication with the target. If the target has sent a synchronous response, the XML response is also posted on the XDS.

If the target supports synchronous communication, you may indicate that a response to the outgoing message also requires action. For example, perhaps the outgoing message to an external system causes a new record to be created in that system. The response to the message may require an update to our initiating record to post the external system's identifier for the record on their side.

To enable this logic, you must check the Post Response switch on the route type. If this has been checked, the download staging sender creates an XAI upload staging record (and a staging control record) and it links the XDS record as a foreign key. The XUS record is processed along with other uploaded messages, to invoke an appropriate service.

Note: XML Response. If the Post Response switch on the route type is turned on, the XML response that is captured is the XML that results after applying the Response XSL. If the Post Response switch is not turned on (i.e., the response is a simple acknowledgement), XML response is posted without applying a Response XSL. (In fact, for simple acknowledgements, there is no need for a Response XSL.)
Note: Asynchronous Responses. Refer to Asynchronous Responses to NDS Messages for information about processing responses to messages sent asynchronously.