Real Time Message Engine

The system provides an "engine" to communicate real time messages to an external system. This engine may be invoked by a user exit on any user interface in the system. The real time message engine receives an NDS type and a service provider as input. Using this information, the engine finds the appropriate XAI route type for the service provider's notification download profile. The route type indicates the XSLT and the XAI sender.

Note: HTTP Sender. In the current release of the product, only senders that communicate via HTTP are supported.

Unlike near real time messages, the XAI inbound service referenced on the NDS type is not used to build the XML request. Rather, the user exit that invokes the engine is responsible for extracting the appropriate data and passing to the engine a formatted XML document. The XSLT referenced on the route type should map attributes from XML document into a format expected by the target system.

The following points describe how the real time engine works:

  • Once the XML request is built, the message is sent out based on the XAI route type's sender information.
  • The system waits for a response for a predefined time out limit defined as a context entry on the sender.
  • When the response is received, the engine transforms the message using the response XSL defined on the route type.
  • The XML response is then passed back to the user exit that called the engine. The user exit processes the response as needed.
Note: Note, as described in Routing the Message, the route type includes a flag to indicate to the system if a response requires additional action. If so, an XUS is created. The real time message engine does not support this logic. It expects the user exit to process the response as needed.