Workflow Process Template - Main

Open Admin Menu, Workflow Process Template to define your workflow process templates.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Workflow Process Template code and Description for the workflow process template.

The system needs to know the type of workflow process to create when a notification is uploaded that does not contain a valid External System or Notification Upload Type (these two fields are the ones that control the type of workflow process that's created to process the uploaded notification). If you create workflow process templates and label them with a Notification Condition of Unknown Notification ID or Unknown Notification Type, the notification upload process will create a respective workflow process when either of the above conditions are discovered. Note: most financial services create an outgoing notification rejecting the uploaded notification when such conditions transpire. The notification condition field is also available for use by your plug-in algorithms for any purpose where you need to identify a specific workflow process.

Note: The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is WF_​PROC_​COND_​FLG.

Use Comments to describe the workflow process template.

When a workflow process is created, the system links one or more workflow events to it. The information in the Workflow Responses scroll defines these events and when they will be triggered. The following fields are required for each event:

Event Sequence Sequence controls the order in which the workflow events are executed. The sequence number is system-assigned and cannot be changed. If you have to insert a workflow event between two existing events, you'll have to remove the latter events, insert the new event, and then re-specify the removed events.

Workflow Event Type Specify the type of workflow event to be generated. The event type's description is displayed adjacent.

Dependent on Other Events Turn this indicator on if the trigger date of the event can only be determined after earlier events are complete. Refer to Workflow Event Dependencies & Trigger Date for more information. If this switch is on, you must define the events on which this response depends in the Dependent on Other Events grid.

Days After Previous Response Specify the number of calendar days after the completion of the dependent events on which the workflow event will be triggered. If this event is not dependent on the completion of other events, this field contains the number of calendar days after the creation of the workflow process that the related workflow event will be triggered.

When the Dependent on Other Events switch is on, a grid appears in which you specify the events on which this event is dependent. The following fields are required for each event:

Sequence Sequence is system-assigned and cannot be specified or changed.

Dependent on Sequence Specify the sequence number of the workflow event type on which the above workflow event depends.

Workflow Event Type The system displays the ID of dependent workflow event in this column.

Fastpath: For more information about workflow event templates, see Setting Up Workflow Event Types. For more information about trigger dates, see Workflow Event Dependencies & Trigger Date.

Where Used

A Workflow Process Profile references one or more workflow process templates. Refer to Setting Up Workflow Process Profiles for more information.

A Workflow Process references a workflow process template. Refer to Workflow Process - Main for more information.