Securing Accounts Based On Region

Assume that accounts are classified as belonging to one of the following regions:

  • Northwestern
  • Northeastern
  • Southwestern
  • Southeastern

Assume the following company hierarchy exists:

The figure illustrates the structure of an organization.

  • Senior Management has access to all customers
  • Northern Division Management has access to all customers in the Northwestern and Northeastern divisions.
  • Southern Division Management has access to all customers in the Southwestern and Southeastern divisions.
  • Northwestern Users have access to all customers in the Northwestern division.
  • Northeastern Users have access to all customers in the Northeastern division.
  • Southwestern Users have access to all customers in the Southwestern division.
  • Southeastern Users have access to all customers in the Southeastern division.

The following diagram illustrates the access groups and data access roles required to implement these requirements:

The figure illustrates how you can provide controlled access to different entities using the access group and data access role.

Notice the following about the above:

  • There are 4 access groups because access to accounts is based on the region in which they are located (and there are 4 regions).
  • There are 7 data access roles because each component of every layer of the access hierarchy requires a separate data access role.