Bank Accounts

The Bank Accounts zone lists the accounts offered by the bank to the customer. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Bank Account Displays the type of the bank account.
Description Displays the description of the bank account.
Account Number Displays the number that identifies the bank account.
Currency Indicates the currency in which the bank account is denominated.
Distribution Code Indicates the distribution code, which in turn indicates the GL account associated with the bank account.
Edit On clicking the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon, the Bank Account screen appears where you can edit the details of the bank account.
Delete On clicking the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon, you can delete the bank account.
Note: You can only delete a bank account which is not yet associated to a tender source.

You can define a bank account by clicking the Add link in the upper right corner of this zone. On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the bank account, the Bank Account and Bank Account Characteristics zones appear.

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