Uploading the Terms and Conditions File


To upload the terms and conditions file, you should have:

  • Terms and conditions file saved in the local drive of your machine


To upload the terms and conditions:

  1. Ensure that the Terms and Conditions screen is open when you are adding or editing the terms and conditions.
  2. Click the Choose File button corresponding to the Attach File field.
    The local drive window appears.
  3. Select the terms and conditions file from the local drive of your machine.

    The valid file extensions are doc, xls, pdf, jpg, txt, avi, bmp, mp3 and rtf.

    On selecting the terms and conditions file, the description of the file appears corresponding to the Attach File field.

  4. Click Save.
    The terms and conditions file is uploaded.

Related Topics

For more information on... See...
How to add the terms and conditions Adding the Terms and Conditions
How to edit the terms and conditions Editing the Terms and Conditions