Adjusted Time Cards

Labor report that shows adjusted time cards with employee acknowledgement status.


The Adjusted Time Cards report shows details for adjusted time cards with the employee acknowledgement status.

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Labor, View Time Card Detail, and Employee Identifiable Information.

Data Retention Category: Time Cards. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, Inclusive Tax, Add On Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

Employees with Time Card Adjustments

Table 8-1 Employees with Time Card Adjustments

Metric Data Format Description

Employee Name


Employee name.

Drills down to Time Card Adjustment Details.

Payroll ID


Employee’s payroll ID number.

Unacknowledged Adjustments Count


Time card adjustments that have not yet been acknowledged.

Drills down to Unacknowledged Adjustments.

Disputed Adjustments Count


Time card adjustments that have been disputed.

Acknowledge Adjustments Count


Time card adjustments that have been acknowledged.